Speaking with the ears How is Hyper vigilant listening compared to - TopicsExpress


Speaking with the ears How is Hyper vigilant listening compared to listening as a graceful consistent flow....from continual practice of presence? Hyper vigilant listening makes us want to jump out of our skin...its fear based listening...it comes from experience of bad things....that create expectations of bad things...People with PTSD tend to be prone to this kind of listening. To no fault of their own.…it’s just the nature of how we learn to listen. Yet as we grow we grow to know listening in a way that only mature people can know it. Intuition is a kind of this listening …we intuit what life tells us if we have grown open to it. True intuition from life is not fear based....yet it can warn us of stepping off a cliff....warn us not to proceed. A gut feeling that something is wrong is different than "just" feeling that something is wrong.....peace is a compass...when we lose peace of heart we may still have peace of mind...and when we lose peace of mind we may still have peace of heart....our mind and heart get separated in times of adversity and excitement of reward....equanimity is a balance of the two where neither reward nor adversity separates the heart and mind....Mature people are people who are equanimous remaining undisturbed by sorrow or joy….The essence of things reveals their true nature….and essence is not a feeling…it is not known by joy or sorrow…essence is more easily distinguished when one is equanimous at rest like a still pool of water. Essence is deeper than feeling...the voice is a better indicator than the sense of touch or feeling...would Isaac have been deceived if he trusted the hearing of Jacobs voice rather than the touch of a hairy garment? Yet people often confuse feeling and essence. They mistake the essence or spirit of God for a feeling that the essence may bring with it....perverse logic tells one that the two are the same...that the feeling is the essence and the essence is the feeling.... and in a certain sense they may be....but what feels like is not the thing itself....For something to feel like it…it must have an opposite....the warmth of the sun may feel like the warmth of a toaster.....yet the sun is not a toaster...nor the toaster the sun....though you feel the presence the feelings alone cannot tell us what is present....Jesus said his sheep know his voice...not his touch.... Voice is a more sure indicator of presence....close your eyes and let various people you know speak to you...you will be able to distinguish them apart by their voice....everyone has a distinct...unique voice.....for voice comes from deep inside...where a person has their being. David said..."Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me" Both Ezekiel and John both said Gods voice was as the sound of many waters. It isn’t the words...it’s the voice....love has its own voice...a word spoken without the voice of love is not loving....even if they are the words God has spoken himself....words in and of themselves are merely shells...the way our body is a shell...without the essence they are empty.... What is a flag but merely a piece of cloth without the spirit of patriotism? What are scriptures but mere knowledge without the spirit of love? Love is the message…not the words….words can only point to….words are containers not what is contained in them….The milk is not the milk bottle…the bottle is not the milk… Words divide….what is in essence one…..take a tub of water….place all the water in the tub into small bottles….it’s still one in being….although it has been separated from being one….Love is better known without words…. As we mature we learn to speak by listening….Love is conveyed to another as we listen to their hearts rather than force our hearts and minds on another…. We learn to speak with our ears…and not with our mouths. May the Grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you as you continue to walk in awareness of his presence in the present moment Selah
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:04:34 +0000

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