Special Delivery An accident on the Helmcken overpass near - TopicsExpress


Special Delivery An accident on the Helmcken overpass near Victoria General Hospital this morning caused a traffic jam that a woman couldnt wait to get through. View Royal Fire Department Lt. Robert Marshall says they heard honking while they were attending to the crash, and assumed it was a frustrated motorist anxious to get to work. “Then we saw a man waving frantically, and the woman in the passenger seat with her arms braced against the roof of the truck, in the midst of a very strong contraction.” Kristi Shayan’s water had just broken, and her contractions were coming one on top of the other. “My husband was on the phone with 9-1-1, and I really started freaking out when I saw the traffic back up. I thought I was going to deliver in the truck.” Shayan’s 20 month old son was also in the vehicle. A volunteer firefighter jumped into the driver’s seat and drove Shayan to VGH – with an RCMP escort and in the wrong lane of the roadway, while the View Royal Fire Chief brought her husband in his truck. Baby Maddox was born a few minutes later in the Emergency Department at Vic General. “I wanted to labour at home as much as possible,” says Shayan. “My water hadn’t broken, and I thought we had lots of time to get in from Metchosin. I was so relieved when we pulled up to the Emergency, and saw so many health care providers standing by to help us. I can’t thank them enough.” The View Royal Fire Department gave Maddox a baby toque they have as part of their car seat education program.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:30:00 +0000

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