Special Episode – The Sunday Show - On location with Kellie - TopicsExpress


Special Episode – The Sunday Show - On location with Kellie Cottam God knows how we’re going to pull this one off because we’re heading to London and there is so much stacking up against the cause.. Whether it be the worst storm since 1987 or whether it be train hopping, hitching a ride or some other factor that’s trying to stop us heading south, the show MUST go on. *See below for reasons why we are STILL heading south to the Royal Courts of Justice – Kellie will add her own comments shortly.. It’s looking highly likely that this whole damn thing is going to be run from my iPhone this evening. So not only will we have the studio setup running from a smartphone, we’ll also be having people dial in via Skype on the same handset. We just need to be near power socket to keep it all together. Here’s the link for tonight’s show that goes LIVE from 7pm UK time and 2pm Eastern US; blogtalkradio/freedom-talk-radio-2013/2013/10/27/the-sunday-wind-down-show As we move closer to broadcasting via ‘Shoutcast’ with improved audio quality and live video, we’ve already made some improvements to the show format. However, we’re still on Blog Talk Radio hosted by The Freedom Talk Radio Network ;) If you missed Kellie’s LIVE midweek broadcast (which now has 226 playbacks) and don’t yet know what’s happening with her Committal To Prison on 28 October, go to the following link (skip to 3mins 30seconds because there’s a connection with Kellie issue at the start); blogtalkradio/freedom-talk-radio-2013/2013/10/24/breaking-news-kellie-cottam If you’re interested to hear what Kellie has said on previous shows, head over here now to the ARCHIVES on her Sunday Show Facebook Page. Be sure to like the page while you’re there; https://facebook/notes/the-sunday-show-with-kellie-cottam/the-sunday-show-archived-episodes/1420213251529533 Catch you all later at 7pm UK time and 2pm Eastern. Don’t miss it! Love to one and all x Jason Each Teach 100 PS – If you’d like to help our cause with a small donation, please head over to The Children’s Judicial Review for more information and make a pledge via GoFundMe. We’re on the verge of major breakthrough here - not just for Kellie, but for significant social change. Please dig deep and empower the people who can make it happen.. GoFundMe; gofundme/4zeexo The Children’s Judicial Review; https://facebook/pages/The-Childrens-Judicial-Review/419590328142642
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:18:50 +0000

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