Special thanks to PeterA Bell insight Brian Wilson is, of - TopicsExpress


Special thanks to PeterA Bell insight Brian Wilson is, of course, the very epitome of a dishonest, duplicitous, hypocritical British nationalist fanatic. He whines incessantly about the timing of the referendum in dumb disregard of the fact that it was he and his anti-democratic ilk who sought to prevent the people of Scotland ever being allowed to exercise their democratic right of self-determination. Had British Labour and their Tory allies not been so opposed to letting the people decide then it is entirely possible that the referendum could have been held earlier. Wilson and his kind made that impossible. Wilson also knows full well that there were numerous other factors which meant that autumn 2014 was the only time the referendum could be held. Not least, the need to have the Edinburgh Agreement in place. Something which itself was delayed by continued efforts on the part of unionists to prevent a vote by having it declared illegal. Other events also imposed constraints - such as the dates of various elections. So Wilson is being duplicitous and dishonest when he says that the referendum could have been held last autumn. He knows damned well that this is not true. More sickening still is his hypocrisy in berating others for seeking to make political capital out of major sporting occasions. I well recall that Wilson himself was far from averse to using the London Olympics as a cudgel with which to beat the hated SNP I vividly recall his hate-mongering lies about the SNP being Anglophibic simply because they pointed out the fact that the claimed benefits to Scotland were non-existent while the costs were all too real. What I dont recall is Wilson ever raising his voice in protest at those who sought to use the 2012 Olympics as a tool of the British nationalist propaganda campaign. For him to now work himself up into a lather of righteous indignation over the fact that the referendum campaign isnt being suspended for the duration of the Commonwealth Games is disgustingly hypocritical. He bleats about the timing of the referendum being an act of political manipulation. But what else might a suspension of campaigning be? Does anybody seriously imagine that Wilson would be suggesting such a thing if he did not see it as being advantageous to the British nationalist cause? Wilson knows that such a hiatus would seriously hamper the Yes campaigns efforts to get its positive message across to the people of Scotland while the lies, smears and scare-mongering of Project Fear would continue unabated courtesy of the almost exclusively unionist media. But Wilson has no real influence. The campaign to restore Scotlands rightful constitutional status will continue. And if that campaign is aided by sporting success or reminders of what Scotland is capable of then this is no more than a welcome and entirely fitting counter to the dire negativity of those like Brian Wilson who contemptuously insist that Scotland is nothing without Nanny Britannia.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:34:57 +0000

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