Speech Lebanese are really distinguished in their accent and - TopicsExpress


Speech Lebanese are really distinguished in their accent and style of linguistics. • You constantly mix Arabic, French, and English Okay, merci kteer, yallah bye! Hi kifak ca va • Your statements should start with Enno. • The words Khayi “Man” Bro Cuz are a big part of your vocabulary. • The word Wallah has replaced the word Really in your vocabulary. • You Believe that “Bounjouren” “Bonsouren” are registered vocabulary words. • You say the words Stylak and Salbe very often. • You say Bolice for Police • You call a night club Night and McDonalds Macdo; Abbreviation is a convenient style of communication. • Your father swears at you with words that affect him (Yilaan Abouk) • Whenever you see a relative you haven’t seen in a while, you say : Yee Shoo mgayar wo mihlaw • Well only stay 10 minutes means you’re spending the whole day. • You always say open the light instead of turn the light on. • You say bye 17 times on the phone, before actually hanging up. • When you fail, your first words are: most of my friends failed too! • You’ve taught all your non-Lebanese friends how to swear in Arabic Attitude Lebanese have illustrious attitudes & Behaviors. • You are so Class while everyone else are Nawar • You hate to wait, while everyone waits for you. • You never stand in line. • You dont memorize your full National Anthem. • You love to have a gun or use one.. • You are the best bull-Hitter. • You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someones house. • You think that Syrians are the butt of all jokes. • You always curse Lebanese people when you are in Lebanon, but when you live abroad you only make Lebanese friends. • You get plastic surgery at least once in your lifetime.. • You cant do anything in life unless you have a Wasta • If a Cop stops you cause you’ve violated a certain law, God help him since youll be calling PAPI ...then PAPI will make his life a living hell. Food Lebanese are known for their great food, loved by everyone around the globe. • You have to go to a Lebanese restaurant 6 times a week. • If you live abroad and coming to Lebanon for a vacation Lebanese Restaurants will be your SPA. • A meal without Hummus is not a real meal to you. • You can’t start with anything rather than Tabouleh. • You eat almost everything with bread. • You cant have a meal without Lebanese bread. • You put olive oil on EVERYTHING and brag about how healthy it is. • You make Turkish coffee before leaving home, when you reach your office, after lunch, when having guests before and after they leave, and finally before you go to bed. • You always need to have an Unlimited Supply of Nuts & Bizir. • Your water in Mezzah is Arak. • You always fight over who pays the bill. • Your mom makes food for 10 people but you are only 3 on the table. • Your mum cooks a meal that lasts three days Argileh To Lebanese Argileh has become as essential as Fresh Air. • You have to smoke Argileh. • A good restaurant is measured by how good is their Argileh, and whether the Nara guy is always around. • If you live in the Gulf, u have to make sure to get Moasal for all your family. Family Some of us have pretty bizarre family members, Oh well, that’s what you get for being Lebanese. • Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you for dinner even if youre in the next room. • You ask your dad a simple question and he tells you a story of how he had to walk miles just to get to school. • Your parents dont realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making long distance calls. • You have relatives smuggling diamonds in West Africa. • Your relatives alone could populate a small city. • Everyone is a family friend. • Members of your family start to come over your house at 11:00PM and dont leave until 3:00AM. • Your extended family is over your house all the time, discussing the latest family drama • You have to have at least 3 relatives living in your neighborhood. . • Your Family is never happy with what youve achieved. If you graduated from school theyll tell you Eqbel Shahadeh El kbeereh, when u get that Oqbal el Aroos / Areees, when you get that Oqbal ma nefrah be Wledkom, and when you get that Oqbal Shadet Wladkom”, and it keeps on going... Cars With a capital “C” when it comes to Lebanese, Cars can be the most important thing in a Lebanese’s life, even more important than having a house. I have a statement that I cite regularly “You Are What You Drive”. • You wont drive anything thats not a Mercedes, BMW, or Hummer. • You drive a new BENZ but you can’t afford money for gas • You drive cars with black Fume windows. • You bought your drivers license. • You chose you license plate. • You’re a very good driver, except for the fact that you drive like shit! • You drive like a maniac. • You don’t feel embarrassed filling gas for 3$. (5.000 LBP) • You can talk on your cell phone, eat a sandwich, drink, and smoke while driving a manual shift. • You never wear a seat belt. • You can’t drive below 120/km on the highway, you think it’s illegal. • You love to drive and drift. • You spend all your money buying accessories for the car. (But not Gas). • You are permitted to have a little chat with your friends in the next car, and block the way on a green traffic light. • All roads are 2-ways, so driving in the opposite direction is always permit ted. • You can’t tolerate traffic, where your car horn becomes your only stress reliefer. • Youd only drive up to 25 km - above that it becomes too far. • You wouldn’t mind cruising in circles around a certain small hot area for hours. • If you are a boy you have to learn how to drive when you are 14 years old. • You stole the car when your Parents were asleep, and were involved in an accident that they don’t know about, till now. • You love to drink while driving, Eventually You drink, and drive. Clubbing Lebanon = Night Life; No introductions needed here. • You prefer Vodka/Redbull on water. • You are not allowed to miss clubbing 2 nights in a row. • You have to start drinking from the bottle at 2 AM; cause by then cups cant do the job. • You need to at least order 2-3 extra bottles of champagne a night and leave them unused. • You have to be professional in holding your cigarette and drink in one hand and have easy20access to both. • You think its cool to dance and smoke at the same time. • You go to a Night Club at 1 AM and not get back home before morning. • You can’t spend the night in one particular Night Club (At least 3). • You have to eat after clubbing. • You dress like youre going clubbing, all day, everyday, probably because you do. • You pick a fight with someone just because he was looking at your GF (Only after 2 AM). • You Can Do The Dabkeh Traveling Lebanese are known to visit Lebanon at least once every 2 days. • You are standing next to the largest suitcases at the Airport. • You would beg the personnel at the airport to allow your excess baggage, as soon as your father stops doing that for you • When you arrive at the airport back home you find at least 20 relatives waiting to greet you. • You always have a dream of holding a different passport, since your passport doesn’t get you anywhere without a Visa .. • Getting a visa to Europe or the States is like getting a baby; everybody tells you Mabrook Politics Last but unquestionably not least. • You should get involved in politics, before kindergarten. • You hope that the political situation will be solved but you know that it won’t. • All Lebanese agreed to disagree in their political views.. • You want to become a president to change things.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 07:28:10 +0000

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