Speech by H.E. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic of Cameroon on - TopicsExpress


Speech by H.E. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic of Cameroon on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony of the natural gas processing unit of Ndogpassi–Douala, 15 November 2013 •The President of the Senate, •The President of the National Assembly, •The High Commissioner of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, •The Prime Minister, Head of Government, •Members of Government, •Heads of Diplomatic Missions, •Representatives of International Organizations, •The Governor of the Littoral Region, •The Senior Divisional Officer for Wouri, •The Government Delegate to the Douala City Council, •Honourable Members of Parliament, •The General Manager of RODEO Development Limited, •Political, traditional and religious authorities, •The Elite and population of the Littoral Region, •Distinguished guests, •Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me begin by thanking the Bassa chiefs, the traditional rulers, for the wonderful gifts they have offered me and my wife. These gifts certainly symbolize their attachment to us and to the Republic. Here we are in Douala, more precisely in Ndogpassi, to inaugurate the natural gas processing unit constructed by RODEO Development Limited. Permit me first, to thank the Government Delegate to the Douala City Council for his words of welcome and his kind words addressed to me and my wife yesterday and today. I would also like to reiterate my appreciation to the people of Douala, our economic capital, for their warm welcome, very warm welcome. Lastly, I want the General Manager of RODEO Development Limited and his entire team to know that Cameroon fully appreciates the huge investments that have been made under the NDOGPASSI gas field concession, in Douala III Subdivision, which investments I am pleased to salute and discover today. What our partners have accomplished is designed to maximize the value of the NDOGPASSI natural gas field particularly for the State of Cameroon, represented here by the National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH). The putting into production by RODEO of proven natural gas reserves confirmed by drilling additional wells in the NDOGPASSI gas field and the drilling of development wells to boost proven, probable and possible natural gas reserves is fully in line with our policy of exploring and exploiting hydrocarbon deposits. Valued at more than 100 million US dollars, that is, about 50 billion CFA francs, there is no gainsaying that these investments will produce many positive economic, technological and social effects, to mention just these few, for the benefit of the population and enterprises in the city of Douala. •Ladies and Gentlemen, •Distinguished Guests, As I have often said, energy is at the core of any development process. Without it, there can neither be industry nor processing of raw materials, and hence, there can be no modern economy. That is why I have put the issue of energy at the centre of our Major Accomplishments policy. In this light, the Government has adopted an energy sector development plan, which seeks to significantly boost our energy production, expand the distribution networks and develop renewable energies. The construction of the Lom Pangar, Memveele and Mekin dams is proof that this programme is in progress. The development of a hydro-electricity project on the Sanaga River will complement this system. Concerning the development of our gas potential, this is still under way in the Kribi area. The activity of RODEO Development Ltd NDOGPASSI is part and parcel of this process. At this juncture, I would like to hail the participation of our British partner, Victoria Oil and Gas PLC, which, through its Cameroon subsidiary Rodeo Development Limited, has partnered with us to develop our energy sector. I count on the latter to ensure, in conjunction with the authorities and local residents, an appropriate socio-environmental impact and a reasonable number of job opportunities. •Ladies and Gentlemen, As you can see, we are forging ahead. Cautiously but resolutely, in the field of energy, as in other areas, roads, the mining sector but also education and health. At one time, the infantry was hailed as the queen of battle. Today, the same saying could be paraphrased that energy is the queen of the battle for development and progress. Together, we will win this battle. I now solemnly declare open the NDOGPASSI gas processing unit, in Douala III Subdivision, Wouri Division, Littoral Region. Thank you for your attention.-
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:30:32 +0000

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