Speech of President Isaac Zida at the signing of the transitional - TopicsExpress


Speech of President Isaac Zida at the signing of the transitional charter Burkina tonight at the House of the People: LIEUTENANT COLONEL ISAAC ADIZ IN THE HISTORY OF BURKINA THERE WILL NOW BEFORE AND AFTER A 30 October The small constitution complementary to the Constitution of 2 June 1991, and to govern the transition 12 months in Burkina Faso, it was signed November 16, 2014 at the House of the People in Ouagadougou. Here is the speech of Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida, head of state, which ended the ceremony and was highly acclaimed. The speech of Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Zida Read the speech in full Since October 30, 2014, the people of Burkina Faso is reconciled with itself and with its history. Indeed, as part of the dialectic of history has repeated itself, with reference to the popular uprising of January 3, 1966, and in the symbolism of the bravery, courage, integrity and honor have always characterized the people of Burkina Faso, the popular uprising of October 30, 2014 restored in Burkina Faso, our beloved country, dignity and respectability on the international stage. As La Rochefoucauld said, in all beings, there is a date for the branches or to a disaster, or to success. Thus, in the history of our dear country, there will now be a before and after October 30, 2014. We measure all the size and scope of this event, both for our people and for the other peoples of the continent and even beyond. It thus provides an opportunity to magnify what binds us in this beautiful country that we were born and which has given to each of us, men and women, old and young, both civilian and military, identity integrity we wear with pride since the revolution of August 1983, and whose immeasurable and stainless brand is in the blood that flows in each of us, of our fathers and our mothers, who yesterday sacrificed for us bequeath a heritage freedom that nothing and nobody can confiscate. On this day, I would like to mark the ceremony dedicating the signing of the Charter of the transition, to pay tribute to our people, whose magnitude is shown in many ways, forcing respect and admiration of all-loving peoples of democracy, freedom and progress. Forces of the nation including the Defense Forces and Security, I welcome this rostrum of your patriotism and your commitment to building a free, strong nation, united and prosperous. I would first like to thank God, who has not allowed our country is torn and dark in the chaos, as some doomsayers had predicted. The senseless insistence and political myopia of the constitutional revision has deeply shaken us, but once again the people of Burkina Faso was the winner. Today we are together to lay the firm foundation of true democracy, deep aspiration of all our people. Ladies and gentlemen, After many marches, meetings, double-sided meetings, one may be tempted to ask who won and who lost. At first glance, some might say that it is the political opposition, or it is civil society which won; or is such rather than another who has lost. But beyond the obvious and the willingness of ownership of this victory, understandable indeed, a more virtuous approach should be at the center, the whole people of Burkina Faso, as the cock crows for the whole village, but has only one owner. From this perspective, it is therefore all Burkinabe, including even those who have dared to challenge the integrity and bravery of the same people. Indeed, if n there had been no attempt to amend Article 37 of the Constitution, there would be no popular uprising this Oct. 30, 2014, thus ending the mandate of President Blaise Compaore and paving the way for political change in our country. We deplore the heavy loss of human life that many bereaved families and a wisdom well assumed by President Blaise Compaore could have been avoided. But history also teaches us that the People are born, grow and advance in enriching the sacrifices of men and women, son and daughters of heroes and heroines, thus contributing to the achievement of their destiny. Also, I would like to salute the memory of all those martyrs whose blood shed fortify the cement that will be used to rebuild the foundations and walls pick up the cracks of our society, selfishness, arrogance, greed and wickedness some of these girls and son lost, and had dangerously miserably marked them wilt. I can assure you that their sacrifice is not in vain, and in the days to come a day of tributes will be organized and these girls and son fell on the battlefield will be elevated to national hero and heroine. In their memory, plus other actions that will be initiated. In the meantime, for remembrance and respect that the entire nation owes them, I invite you to observe a minute of silence. Thank you! Youth of Burkina Faso, As Frantz Fanon said each generation must in relative opacity discover its mission, fulfill or betray it. You knew fulfill your mission. Indeed, the Forces Vives, including the Defense Forces and Security were able to give the answer to what should be called now the Blaise Compaore forfeiture. In any event, we believe that now politicians would do well to listen to the voice of the people. People of Burkina Faso, At the height of your glory, you have to stay fit and consistent. Indeed, one thing is hunting Blaise Compaore of power by a popular uprising, but another is to work out of the instability in the context of a peaceful transition, able to lead our country towards democratic elections transparent, free and fair. Therefore, the popular uprising should not create anarchy, anything that will be detrimental to the normalization of the situation in the context of a peaceful democratic transition that we all wish for. I therefore call for restraint, a manifest citizenship and patience of all, pending the establishment of the organs of transition whose civil Chairman shall be appointed tonight by the college designation which meets at 18 hours 30 minutes. Certainly, the challenges are enormous and many expectations, but can not be identified and met in a government setting. To those who managed the Burkina Faso until the events of 30 October 2014, wherever they are, I invite them to repentance which if true must be free from any attempt to disturb the serenity of the Burkinabe people. To all, I want to remind the words of Gandhi, Our power does not lie in our ability to remake the world, but in our ability to recreate us ourselves. It is therefore important for each of us to question ourselves for a stronger Burkinabe society built on values of living together more than ever reaffirmed. So, fellow citizens as you wanted, the process begun in pre-transitional November 31, 2014 is led by the National Armed Forces are committed to hand over power to civilians. I remain convinced that instead suspicion of usurpation of power by the army that we hear here and there at the beginning of this process, settled permanently in the minds of each others confidence that we will work to strengthen in the coming days. Your Defense Forces and Security are patriotic and republican and they will remain so. About the work of reconstruction we urge all the national community to understand that all girls and all son of our country must take part. That is why we believe that this transition is taking place must be inclusive. For our part, after the challenge of cohesion within the military and ensured the continuity of the state, particularly in stopping looting, acts of vandalism, the attempts of reckoning and threats of confrontation who have led our country into civil war, the Defence Forces and security pledges support for the transition process in accordance with the Charter as they have helped develop. As for the international community, while welcoming once more his contribution, we urge them to continue to accompany us to a final output of crisis. For this purpose, it is desirable that the specificity of Burkina Faso is recognized in all its dimensions, and subsequently, the results that we have initiated consultations for two weeks now led, including the Charter of the Transition has been signed to do the subject of the most attention because it is a national consensus, reflecting the will of all the people of Burkina Faso. God bless Burkina Faso! Thank you! Ouagadougou, November 16, 2014 Copyright audio source Mathieu SOMDA
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 02:28:23 +0000

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