Spencer B. Adams Clerk of Court Janet H. Cobb had to postpone - TopicsExpress


Spencer B. Adams Clerk of Court Janet H. Cobb had to postpone the hanging of the former Clerks (their pictures, that is) in her office until after the Hoedown. A nice article and pictures appeared in the Danville Register. Meanwhile the Association is desperately seeking pictures of Spencer B. Adams (Gay 90s), Thomas Graves (ante-bellum), and Henry F. Brandon (Reconstruction). They havent been gone that long, but we still seek the first Clerks. In our desperation we went to the biography of Archibald DeBow Murphy in Gunn Memorial Library; he was son to Archibald (Revolutionary) and brother to Alexander. We learned of the sad burning of ADMs family portraits. We also picked up no hints as to where other portraits might be but there was this bit of trivia: ADMs niece was the 5th wife of Jesse Carter. We are still looking for all the others we dont have while rejoicing in those we do. Source: Caswell County Historical Association Newsletter, Volume IX, Number 4 (October 1986). _______________ Lively Politics and Pistols: A Republican Rumpuss in Caswell County -- Adams Painfully Wounded Danville, Va., October 24. -- There was a lively political row at Miners store, in Caswell county, on Saturday last. The particulars, as far as can be learned, are as follows: S. P. Womack [actually T. P. Womack] announced himself as Republican candidate for sheriff, and in the course of his remarks said that there was a Republican traitor in the camp who was trying to injure him. Reference was had to A. B. Adams [actually S. B. Adams], a well-known Republican and clerk of the Superior Court for that county. After Womack had left the stand Adams denounced him, and Womack struck Adams in the face. B. Y. Womack, brother of the other Womack, then came up and Adams drew a pistol and shot at him. B. Y. Womack then drew his pistol and shot Adams in the arm inflicting a painful but not fatal wound. Source: The Richmond Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia), 25 October 1892. The S. P. Womack [T. P. Womack] of the above article is believed to be Thomas Pancoast Womack (1861-1916), who already was Caswell County sheriff at the time, and apparently was announcing his intention to run for the office again. He was successful and served as sheriff 1891 to 1894. His pistol-brandishing brother is Bartlett Yancey Womack (1856-1897). The brothers are sons of Thomas Jefferson Womack and Ann Elizabeth Yancey Womack, thus being grandsons of Bartlett Yancey, Jr. (1785-1828). The A. B. Adams referred to in the article is S. B. Adams (Spencer B. Adams), who served as Caswell County Clerk of Court 1882-1896. The location of Miners Store is unknown. _______________ Newspaper advertisement: The Milton Chronicle (Milton, North Carolina), June 28, 1883, Page 3. Note the location of the law office: over J. A. Hendersons Store. This is believed to be James Allen Henderson (1842-1907) and may have been located on the west side of the Square area in Yanceyville, Caswell County, North Carolina (beside the Yanceyville Post Office).
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:26:12 +0000

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