Spend 30 min a day in a squat for 30 consecutive days. Rules of - TopicsExpress


Spend 30 min a day in a squat for 30 consecutive days. Rules of thumb: 1. No REST days during the 30 days. 2. Relaxed spine - no need to try to remain erect or with neutral spine. Its a RESTING position. 3. Width between the feet - around shoulder width apart but should be individualized and experimented with - aim for maximal depth and relaxation. 4. How much feet should be turned out or should they be facing forward? Dont let anyone sell you the idea of ONE perfect position - this should be individualized and experimented with - aim for maximal depth and relaxation. 5. Knee pain? Hip pain? stand up and move around. Resume the squat and work in small short bursts of squatting throughout the day. 6. Footwear? Best - barefoot. Second best - minimal footwear. 7. Keep your heels on the floor if possible. If impossible, try a small heel support until you gain the proper mobility to squat flat foot on the ground. 8. True sign of good squatting? When you get tired from STANDING - you squat and not vise versa! True story! 9. How deep should you squat? There is only one answer - DEEPER.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:09:01 +0000

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