Spending Sunday pondering our little block of time. Hale Bopp - TopicsExpress


Spending Sunday pondering our little block of time. Hale Bopp (doesnt seem so long ago) Recently it was announced that the European Space Agency had successfully awakened their satellite, Rosetta, which will monitor and conduct experiments on an oddly shaped ( apparently it is reminiscent of a rubber ducky, the Universe clearly has a sense of humour) Comet 67P/Churyumuvo-Gerasimenko. Over the upcoming year there will be loads of data sent back to the ESA. It is hoped the study of this mass of rock and ice hurtling towards the Sun, presently roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, will give us clues to the origins of our Solar system. Comets are believed to be leftover bits that were not caught in the gravitational tug during the prepubescent birth of our planetary system. But the shape of a rubber ducky, now that is a seriously comic, excuse the pun, a cosmic joke! The information and video footage can be viewed on the ESA site. Its an exciting scientific event that will no doubt change and or confirm theories regarding our neck of the woods and our origins. As the musicians of Woodstock sang “We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon. I attended an astrology conference years ago and a physicist presenting his astrological work posed the question: What would an astrology chart look like if it was not Earth centric. What would a chart cast from Jupiter or Mars look like. And beyond our solar system what would a chart from where Comet 67 P comes from look like. Imagine if our earth had two Moons, instead of our one graceful yet inconstant orb of the night. what would it do to astrologers? And imagine the amount of study to come up with the meanings of these planetary motions, as we do presently, studying the motions of our solar system. Comets traditional, as seen by ancient astrologers, were harbingers of ill fated events on Earth. So our recent visit from Hale Bopp in 1997, nearly 20 years ago now in 2014 that shone brightly for 569 nights in the northern hemisphere and was originally discovered by amateur astronomers on their driveway! What was its legacy? What did this cosmic nightly spectacular cause or effect on Earth? Aside from the misguided cult, Heaven’s Gate, who committed mass suicide in the hope that they would join a spaceship supposedly hiding behind the comet. It was in this year that Dolly the cloned sheep was invented. It was the year the first commercial spy satellite was launched. The movie Titanic was released. Nobel prizes went to chemists for discovery of the cells that allow the body to transfer and store energy. In physics awards went to scientists who found a way to cool and trap atoms with the use of lasers.And in medicine prions were discovered to cause brain disease.Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. Steve Jobs returned to Apple computers. Mother Teresa dies. NASA launched the Cassini probe to Saturn. The Kyoto Protocol is adopted by the UN. And on the world spins. Perhaps the most notable event that occurred was the death of Princess Diana and the global mourning it caused. I doubt if you were alive during 1997 you cannot remember this global event and the demand for a very public funeral with her two brave and young sons walking with heads bowed behind her coffin. It was an archetypal moment in our history, it brought out our sadness for “lose” of mothers, fathers, those we love, those shunned lovers, it was monumental. Hale Bopp emerged from the constellation of Sagittarius which was Diana’s rising sign.It would appear that Hale Bopp as predicted by ancient astrologers did bring least one ill fated event in its path. Hale Bopp is calculated to return to our inner solar system in 4385. And it was first reported to have had its perihelion( closest orbit to the Sun) 4,200 years ago and was observed by ancient Egyptians during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi, between 2332-2283 BC.In his pyramid in Saqqara there is references to the comet as the “nhh star”. This hieroglyph means long hair, likely reference to the tail of Hale Bopp, which actually had three tails, One tail of bluish gas pointing away from the Sun, one yellowish tail along Hale Bopp’s orbit and another composed of sodium and amazingly Hale Bopp has traces of the Noble gas, Argon. It was also cited by Aristotle in 371 BC. Quite an historically legacy Hale Bopp has. ~ DIANA WARWICK ~
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:51:05 +0000

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