Spent a quiet evening at home to celebrate the new year but after - TopicsExpress


Spent a quiet evening at home to celebrate the new year but after surviving terminal no hope cancer EVERY new year is VERY happy. 15 years ago my oncologist stopped all treatment and sent me home to die within 3 months, when chemo was not working. Im so blessed that an Angel in a wheel chair at a car show in Iowa told me about alternatives from Mexico, but banned in the USA. I had them aired in and within 30 days my out of control cancer was in full remission and STILL is 15 years later! Im happy, healthy and enjoying life with my two grandsons that would NEVER even seen their Papa had that lady not changed my life forever. Everyone begged me to write a book and share what I discovered........so I did. I tell my complete and true story of exactly WHAT I took, WHERE to buy it, how MUCH I took each day (and still take today) and sadly, how LITTLE they all cost. I recommend nothing, sell nothing (but a book about my survival over no hope cancer) how I handled the terrible mood swings and emotions (including considering suicide). Im just trying to help others as I was helped by my Angel in the wheel chair. In my book I tell everyone to BE CAREFUL of all the snake oil salesmen on the internet that are just trying to clean out your billfold. My book HAS helped so MANY cancer victims and THAT lets me sleep REAL good at night! Take a look at my website testimonies from REAL cancer victims (I changed their name of course for their privacy) that has the same success as me. Yes, my website is secure and I take Pay Pal. cancerbook-tj/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:42:05 +0000

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