Spent most of the day yesterday sitting with 4 other women in the - TopicsExpress


Spent most of the day yesterday sitting with 4 other women in the embodiment of Kali. It was very intense and liberating, sitting around with my Sisters, our faces painted with black brown and white paint, screaming. I had a powerful vision of Jesus at the end of doing holotropic breath work while inviting Kali in to cut out the putrid parts of me that hold me back, that convince me I am small, that keep me in comparison/I-am-not-good-enough/what-if-people-dont-like-me/I-have-to-be-the-best-of-all and realized as Jesus held me like a child in my vision, how Jesus and Kali are inextricably linked. It may seem strange, a goddess who we associate with death and destruction and a spiritual teacher who taught about love and compassion--how can they be the same? But they are two sides of the same coin. For the past few months I have been talking about compassion in leadership and how it is crucial now, no longer a spiritual nicety. How we must with compassion for ourselves and for others stand for each others greatness with deep love, how we must see that those who trigger us are simply external manifestations of parts of us that we havent integrated... It has come up over and over in my client sessions, its been coming up amongst colleagues. Boundaries, compassion, speaking your truth for the good of all beings. All elements of the inner game you need to succeed in your business yes but more importantly all elements that you need in order to effect deep change in the world around you (and it just so happens that all of the people I work with use their businesses to do that). Kali is fierce yes, Kali will destroy, yes but she is also deeply compassionate,because if you call upon her she will chop the head off of anything that is plaguing you, limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back from your true potential and power. And if you embody her... sometimes the deepest form of compassion, the most Jesus-like thing to do is to stand fiercely, like Kali, for someones greatness and chop the head off all the bullshit thats holding them back. This morning I was reading something from Rich Litvin, that says that to be a truly outstanding and successful coach, you must be willing to say the things to someone that no one has dared to say. In service to their evolution and their greatness, yes. Just like Kali. It reminded me of why Ive always been committed to being a seer with my entrepreneur clients, why Ive stood for their greatness (even if sometimes they get pissed off at me), why Ive been willing to say what no one has said to them--because I am here to be of deep service to the removal of illusions that keep us from our power. Because, when we are kept from our power, we are unable to make the impact we were put here to make. Being of service to the people I work with, to the collective liberation of the planet, includes deeply working on my illusions so that I can see more clearly the ones of my clients and the people I am here to serve. I am no different than you, I am no guru, I am no authority. I am you. And this also means that we are willing to drop the elitist/illusory crap that makes you want to hire me or anyone else because you want your life to look like my/their Instagram posts. But Instead hiring people who are willing to see you deeply, and cut the head off of all the things that are holding you back from making your impact in the world. That means you and me being willing to embrace the shadowed parts of ourselves, embracing the deep rage for whats been done to the feminine for centuries and the deep pain it causes to not just women but the world... feeling how the planet and nature has been raped and pillaged by our lack of awareness and self-centeredness, feeling the deep pain of that in our bodies as children of nature... getting real with all that is putrid, death and destruction within us and seeing how we are the same as the murderers and the violators, how we are all one and the same... is the only way to cut the head off of the shame of our shadows that continually keeps us disconnected, and unaware of the negative impact we have on the world when we say harmful things to ourselves... when we engage in competition and comparison... when we cannot feel joy for anothers success... when we dont take care of our planet and only worry about our needs (as if they were separate from the collectives needs)... Being willing to own all of that within ourselves is how we change the world. Being willing to stand in the fire of I am you and you are me is how we serve as powerful leaders. Compassion. Its how we make powerful impact as Transcendent Leaders. Today we sit with my archetype, the Lady of Communion. She marries nature with human beings, she marries the masculine and the feminine within her so as to marry it within the world. I think seeing both Jesus and Kali in my vision was a sacred foreboding for today--of how the sacred masculine (Jesus) longs for union with the sacred feminine (Kali). How our shadow longs to integrate with our light. If you really want to change the world, commit to this marriage within you. Call upon Kali and ask her to cut through all of the illusions that are keeping you from standing in your power and making impact. For what is healed, married and transformed within you, so is healed, married and transformed in the world. I am you, you are me. You are the world and the world is you. It takes courage, a willingness to burn all that does not serve to the ground and a profound devotion to service to impact the world and change it. Kali demands nothing less. Surrender is the only option. Thank you Kali/Jesus for the deep lessons. May I feel and release this all for the collective so that we may be free of the illusion that we are not worthy, that we are powerless, so that we may truly step into our power, as we were rightfully made to be.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:17:49 +0000

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