Spin verb \ˈspin\ : to turn or cause someone or something to - TopicsExpress


Spin verb \ˈspin\ : to turn or cause someone or something to turn around repeatedly : to seem to be moving around in a way that makes you feel dizzy or sick : to draw out and twist fibers of cotton, wool, silk, etc., into yarn or thread spun spin·ning Full Definition of SPIN intransitive verb 1 : to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread 2 : to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid —used especially of a spider or insect 3 a : to revolve rapidly : gyrate b : to feel as if in a whirl : reel 4 : to move swiftly especially on or as if on wheels or in a vehicle 5 : to fish with spinning bait : troll 6 a of an airplane : to fall in a spin b : to plunge helplessly and out of control 7 : to engage in spin control (as in politics) transitive verb 1 a : to draw out and twist into yarns or threads b : to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material 2 : to form (as a web or cocoon) by spinning 3 a : to stretch out or extend (as a story) lengthily : protract —usually used with out b : to evolve, express, or fabricate by processes of mind or imagination 4 : to cause to whirl : impart spin to 5 : to shape into threadlike form in manufacture; also : to manufacture by a whirling process 6 : to set (records or compact discs) rotating on a player : play 7 : to present (as information) with a particular spin — spin ones wheels : to make futile efforts to achieve progress See spin defined for English-language learners » See spin defined for kids » Examples of SPIN The car hit a patch of ice and spun into the wall. The children were spinning a top. I tried to stand up but the room was spinning. She spun the silk into thread. They spun the wool into yarn. Origin of SPIN Middle English spinnen, from Old English spinnan; akin to Old High German spinnan to spin and perhaps to Lithuanian spęsti to set (a trap) First Known Use: before 12th century Related to SPIN Synonyms gyrate, pinwheel, pirouette, revolve, roll, rotate, turn, twirl, wheel, whirl Related Words coil, curl, curve, round, spiral, swirl, twine, twist, wind; circle, circulate, encircle, orbit, ring; pivot, swivel Near Antonyms calm, collect; settle, steady more Rhymes with SPIN bin, blin, chin, din, fin, Finn, Fyn, gin, grin, Gwyn, hin, in, inn, kin, linn, Lynn, pin, shin, Shin, sin, skin, thin, tin, twin, whin, win, wynn, yin, zin 2spin noun : the act of turning around and around : an act of spinning : a rapid turning motion given to a ball by someone who throws or hits it : a certain way of describing or talking about something that is meant to influence other peoples opinion of it Full Definition of SPIN 1 a : the act of spinning or twirling something; also : an instance of spinning or of spinning something b : the whirling motion imparted (as to a ball or top) by spinning c : an excursion or ride in a vehicle especially on wheels 2 a : an aerial maneuver or flight condition consisting of a combination of roll and yaw with the longitudinal axis of the airplane inclined steeply downward b : a plunging descent or downward spiral c : a state of mental confusion 3 a : a quantum characteristic of an elementary particle that is visualized as the rotation of the particle on its axis and that is responsible for measurable angular momentum and magnetic moment b : the angular momentum associated with such rotation whose magnitude is quantized and which may assume either of two possible directions; also : the angular momentum of a system of such particles derived from the spins and orbital motions of the particles 4 a : a usually ingenious twist b (1) : a special point of view, emphasis, or interpretation presented for the purpose of influencing opinion (2) : spin control — spin·less adjective See spin defined for English-language learners » Examples of SPIN the direction of the Earths spin The ice-skater executed graceful jumps and spins. A baseball thrown with spin is harder to hit. She put spin on the ball. The bowler put a sideways spin on the ball. Each author puts a new spin on the story. They claim to report the news with no spin. He took me for a spin in his new car. Would you like to go for a spin? First Known Use of SPIN 1831 Related to SPIN Synonyms gyration, pirouette, reel, revolution, roll, rotation, twirl, wheel, whirl Related Words circuit, circulation, ring, round; coil, curl, curve, spiral, twist, whorl; circle, orbit; eddy, swirl Near Antonyms alertness, levelheadedness more Other Aeronautics/Aerospace Terms airway, apron, corridor, dirigible, fishtail, flat-hat, vector spin noun \ˈspin\ (Medical Dictionary) Medical Definition of SPIN 1 : a quantum characteristic of an elementary particle that is visualized as the rotation of the particle on its axis and that is responsible for measurable angular momentum and magnetic moment 2 : the angular momentum which is associated with spin, whose magnitude is quantized, and which may assume either of two possible directions; also : the angular momentum of a system of elementary particles derived from their spins and orbital motions—see spin echo, spin label spin noun (Concise Encyclopedia) Amount of angular momentum associated with a subatomic particle or nucleus. It is measured in multiples of {Planck constant} (h-bar), equal to Plancks constant divided by 2. Electrons, neutrons, and protons have a spin of , for example, while pions and helium nuclei have zero spin. The spin of a complex nucleus is the vector sum of the orbital angular momentum and intrinsic spins of the constituent nucleons. For nuclei of even mass number, the multiple is an integral; for those of odd mass number, it is a half-integer. See also Bose-Einstein statistics, Fermi-Dirac statistics. Learn More About SPIN Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for spin Spanish Central Translation: spin in Spanish Britannica: Encyclopedia article about spin Browse Next Word in the Dictionary: spina bifida Previous Word in the Dictionary: spilth All Words Near: spin Seen & Heard What made you want to look up spin? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). [merriam-webster/]
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:06:34 +0000

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