Spinal thought 300. Three hundred – 300 – that sounds a lot - TopicsExpress


Spinal thought 300. Three hundred – 300 – that sounds a lot of posts, but here are some more impressive number facts about the body. The system of nerves passing messages between the brain to the various parts of the body via the spine is vast. If you laid all the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain alone end to end, in one long line it would be 162,000km long. That’s would take you round the equator four times! The number of potential connection that can be made between neurons is greater than the number of known atoms in the universe. You wouldn’t be able to count all the neurons in the brain in your life time – at one count per second it would take you nearly 650 years! You could fit 30,000 of them on the head of a pin, but some can be much, much longer – up to several feet. The length of the giraffe’s longest neuron which runs from the toe to the neck is 15 feet (about 4.5 metres). Look after your spine - the important conduit of this extraordinary system of communication.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:35:01 +0000

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