Spirit.... Welcome to Sufism, the present genuine spiritual master - TopicsExpress


Spirit.... Welcome to Sufism, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans…In all times &ages, a pious righteous Sufi exist to help fellow humans. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group arises & delights humans towards tremendous spiritual benefit in by giving spiritual knowledge direct to their souls to God. Lover of God, never separate from spiritual truth of His beloved [s.a.w], not for even a fraction of a second. Spiritual is present within our soul but we see it not and...’In yourselves! Do you not then see? [51:21]. the spirit is a ‘Divine secret: Lord Concern, only given a little knowledge [about it]’ [17:85]. From physical spiritual journey begins and it ends when death takes its place. To, understand the spirit? Prostrate only to one God, Allah, in the way Sufi prostrate to one God. Sufi Sultan Mahmood, says, ‘the spirit is within your body, to discover it, unveil the self-nafs’...’ in yourselves; Do you not then see? [51:21], but still some understand it not? Because the ‘spirit’ is by will of God; by His command ‘Be’, and it is’ [36:82]. The ‘spirit’ from His immediate presence to Sufi presence but the ‘wrongdoer or ignorant’ [33:72], will not cling to God. How the ‘spirit’ is transferred from God immediate presence to Sufi presence? Be with Sufi to know it and the wrongdoer or the ignorant, even some time the learned one will stay within the self-nafs delusion, nafs imaginations and in self deluded thought to be well received by the self-nafs way of deceiving, whoever the nafs can deceive. If one is in Islamic science Sufism, than, God grants one spiritual understandings about the ‘spirit’, which is within our body but we cannot see it due to being deep in material way of life, running after money, lands, cars, women’s, food and after fake pirs, trying to fulfill fake pir demands, etc, but ‘whosoever obeys Allah [, Qur’an] and Muhammad [, s.a.w Sunnah], has won a mighty [spiritual] victory’ [33:71]. Sufis understand the ‘spirit’ secrets spiritually through having gained a spiritual victory over the self-nafs evils. The Angel is created from a light-noor but physically some, cannot see the ‘Angel’, with physical eyes and the Angel, is seeing spiritually but a Sufi can see Angel, in physical world with spiritual eye, spiritually, How? Due to spiritual power of a Sufi, whose spirit is ever alive within it salve spiritually spiritual. Sufis understand the beauty of the spirit through having attained the surrender [ Islam]; Faith [Iman]; Truth [Haqiqah] & wisdom [Ma’rifah] by gaining victory of the self-nafs through being in practically practicing the knowledge of Qur’an & Sunnah in the footsteps of those whom God rewarded the understanding about the spirit, the spirit secrets, the spirit beauty and God rewarded the Prophets, the truthful [,Siddiqeens], the Martyrs [, Shaheeds] and the righteous [,Saleheens] [ Holy Qur’an, Nisa:69:70]. Sufi is one ‘whom He loves and who loves Him’ [5:54]. Jinn, created from smokeless fire but invisible from the physical eyes and seeing to the spiritual eyes of Sufi’s, why? Because Sufi is in a spiritual reality of Muhammad [s.a.w], having from him his spiritual powers bestowed heart to heart on Sufi heart & Sufi spirit alive spiritually spiritual. .. ‘A company of the ‘Jinn’ gave ear’ [72:1] and ‘I [, Allah] created the ‘jinn’ and ‘men’ to worship Me [, Allah]’[51:56]. The spirit knowledge, the spirit secrets & spirit beauty is only attained when the self-nafs is very deep in worship of one God through the method, principles, rules, actions, teachings, practices, sayings & example, etc, of His beloved [s.a.w]. Sufi spiritual eye sees spiritual by being on His beloved [s.a.w] straight path to God. Sufi’s of Sufism are bestowed spiritual bliss, grace, mercy by Allah, through Muhammad [s.a.w] spiritual bliss which overcome self-nafs ‘loneliness’ of those who have a physical & spiritual bond, glue together, a connection within, own self to the self of His beloved [s.a.w], who overcomes all kinds of loneliness, never ever one again become ‘lonely’, if one bond his/her self to beloved [s.a.w], who spiritually pass on to greater spiritual bliss, spiritual joy, to a sufi heart , which is in full conduct of His beloved [s.a.w] spiritual rich spiritual treasures of His beloved [s.a.w],who is a spiritual resources of great spiritual grace, mercy, Love, peace, harmony, spiritual blessings beyond any ordinary comprehension. Sufi heart attains spiritual aspirations in by embracing His beloved [s.a.w] direct spiritual reality which spiritually transports Sufi to God. Whosoever finds Sufi Sultan Mahmood in this world, gains from Sufi Sultan Mahmood, His beloved [s.a.w] spiritual Truth, spiritual peace, spiritual love, spiritual harmony, spiritual light-noor, spiritual powers, spiritual secrets, spiritual reasoning’s, spiritual wisdom, spiritual faith & spiritually devoted to the service of One, Almighty God, Allah. Sufi has a ascetic & mystic, who is in constant remembrance-ziker of God, through being in inner dimension of His beloved [s.a.w] by being devoted to His beloved [s.a.w] spiritual salvation in to ‘be aware of God to obtain [, spiritual] mercy’[ of God in by His beloved spiritual mercy][49:10]. Sufi’s magnificent spiritual journey is in great spiritual happiness, love, peace, harmony in by loving His beloved [s.a.w] to ‘flee to Allah’ [51:50]. ‘Obey the Messenger [s.a.w] Is to obey God’ [4:80]. Sufi is one who in the best manner deals with the Ignorant self to help ‘one another in righteousness and piety’ [5:2]. Sufi is one ‘who attain faith [Iman], by doing good deeds’ [103:1-3]. Sufi is one who is ‘dutiful to Lord [, Allah], who created all [mankind] from one Soul’ [4:1]. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group; call & mission [, Da’wah] of cleansing & purification [tasfiyah] & cultivation and education [tarbiyah]. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group is of ‘One brethren [, one humanity]’ [al-Bukari & Muslim]. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group calls towards the Truth by adhering the self-nafs to the knowledge of Qur’an & Sunnah through the ‘Salaf’ thought of spiritual reality methodology of Taba at Tabi’in to Tabi’in to Sahabshs to Ahl-i-beyt to Muhammad [s.a.w] to Allah. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group keep their ego-nafs in the ‘Salafs’ righteousness, virtues, goodness, piety, fear, reverence of Sunnah actions, wisdom, justice, peace, love & harmony, etc, in helping & supporting others to fulfill obedience to His beloved [s.a.w] by ‘flee unto Allah’ [51:50] and ‘seek refuge from [Him in Him] from You in You’ [Saheeh Muslim]. ‘A believer is one from whom other believer is safe, by his/her tongue & hand’ [Saheeh al-Bukhari]. Sufi Sultan says that ’Everyone claims to be lover of someone but a Sufi is a lover of His Beloved [s.a.w]’. ‘The Prophet [s.a.w] has a higher claim on the believer than [they have on] their own selves’ [ 33:6]. Muhammad [s.a.w] is ‘closer to believers than their own self’ [33:6]. Muhammad [s.a.w] ‘does not say anything out of [his own] desire’ [53:3; 33:36]. ‘From Allah, comes the knowledge; from the Messenger [s.a.w], comes the deliverance [of the knowledge ]’ [ al-Bukhari]. ‘Verily, You [O Muhammad s.a.w] is on exalted standard of character’ [68:4]. Muhammad [s.a.w] ‘character is a reflection of the Qur’an’ [Saheeh Muslim, Abu Dawud & Ahmad]. Allah, ‘completed favor upon you [O Muhammad s.a.w]’[48:1-2]. ..’Take what the Messenger [s.a.w] gives and stop at what he [s.a.w] forbid’ [59:7; 24:63; 24:54; 4:59; 4:80]. ‘Whosoever take Allah & His Messenger [s.a.w] to be more beloved than anything else, will gain sweetness of faith [Iman]’[ Saheeh Bukhari & al-Tirmidhi]. ‘Whosoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger [s.a.w]... [Will] land in Hell, what an evil abode’ [4:115]...’ If they [, the mankind] believe as you [s.a.w] believe, then they are guided’ [2:137]. ‘Allah found the heart of Muhammad [s.a.w] the best heart, chose him for Himself and sent him as Messenger ‘[Saheeh, Imam Ahmad]. ‘Allah sent the Messenger [s.a.w] from among themselves to convey His message, to purify, to teach them [, mankind] the book [Qur’an] and the wisdom’ [62:2]. ‘Allah would not punish them [, the mankind], while you [O Muhammad s.a.w] is amongst them [, the mankind]’ [Soorah al-Anfaal; 33]. How is Muhammad [s.a.w] amongst mankind? Do you know? Think...’ Muhammad [s.a.w] stood up to speak to us and he told us everything that was going to happen until the Hour and left nothing unsaid’ [ Saheeh Muslim & Abu Dawud], this Saheeh hadith is on ilm-i-Ghaib-unseen knowledge, see Holy Qur’an, 3:44; 11:49; 12:102; 72:26 & 4:113]....’ Muhammad [s.a.w] stood and mentioned everything that was to happen until the Day of Resurrection, and left nothing unsaid’ [Saheeh, Ahmad’s Musnad]. Spiritual bliss is only gained when one from heart do not oppose him [s.a.w] but those who do not accept that Muhammad [s.a.w] know ilm-i-Gaihab, they oppose him [s.a.w] and Muhammad [s.a.w] said:-‘The Jew split into seventy one Sects: the Christians split into seventy two Sects; and my Ummah will split into seventy three sects but only one will enter Paradise’ [Saheeh, Tirmidhi, Hakim, Abu Dawud & Ibn Majah].. .Hazrat Ali [RA] was asked, which one will enter Paradise & Hazarat Ali [RA] said; ‘Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah’. Hazrat Abdul Qadir al-Jilani [r.a] said: ‘the one which will enter paradise is Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah’. Over than 124000 Muslim Scholars of past & present, say, that the seventy two Muslim sects in Hell-fire are those whose conduct is against the Shari’ah-law, who commit all kinds of evil actions which are forbidden by the law-Shari’ah and who are deep down in ego darkness of all kinds of corruptions. ‘Help one another in righteousness and piety’ [5:2]....Attain to faith [Iman], [by] doing good deeds’ [103:1-3]. ‘If they [, mankind] believe as you [s.a.w] believe, then they are guided’ [2:137]. Safe yourself from Hell-fire by coming out of nafs-ego evils to spiritual Truth and Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group working within their selves to attain bliss of Surrender-Islam, bliss of faith-Iman, bliss of excellences-Ihsan, bliss of truth-haqiqah and bliss of wisdom-ma’rifah. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group clings to Qur’an & Sunnah knowledge by practically practicing it in clear thought, for sake of Allah, to please Allah. Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group is helping all kinds of humans to attain peace, love & harmony in one human unity of humanity. Welcome to Sufism, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans…Email only Email..mahmood.sul@outlook
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 05:20:23 +0000

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