Spirit is guiding me to release the first 12 videos from The - TopicsExpress


Spirit is guiding me to release the first 12 videos from The Rainbow Tribe Celebration, a class that I offered last March. This is an offering for the coming year and this work is very personal to me. After meditating and receiving an attunement directly from spirit a couple of years ago, I was asked to study the Rays. The Rays of the Rainbow are Keys to understanding and unlocking entire libraries and aspects of our divine nature, its both our DNA and all that is within our DNA that has been ruled out as junk simply because it hasnt been understood by science. The information here has filled out exponentially since these videos were made and deep excavations have taken place in regard to how we put this mythology into practice,the practice being life. The group of souls that gathered last spring to begin this journey with me have been an instrumental aspect of how the Hopi legend of the Rainbow Warriors has evolved by our simple recognition of our role in it. I have no ultimate goal in sharing this other than to serve and to love. A container has been created that only those of you who are meant to be integrating and exploring this knowledge bank be guided to receive it. Having said that, I implore you each to use your discernment. Question everything but try to do so with an open heart and acknowledgement of your own programming. This is living and breathing information and consciousness that evolves each time it is touched by a new being (ie.you). Some aspects may deeply resonate and some aspects may deeply trigger and some aspects may feel like complete bullshit to you, thats all okay. Honor where YOU are and be sensitive to what does come up. Our triggers are usually a great barometer for where we need more love and self acceptance, and our ego trips can be an excellent opportunity for self reflection and growth. There is always more. There is always more truth... The primary sources for the triangulations made in this video are The Right Use of Will (Ceann Derohan), The Angels of Atlantis (Stewart Pearce), Bringers of the Dawn (Barbara Marciniak), Journal of a Starseed (Charis Melina Brown), The Bible (a bunch of homies), and my lifelong commitment to inquiry and confronting reality with intrinsic reverence for my imagination and childlike wonderment. Meditation. Meditation. Discernment. Meditation. Practice. Please be gentle with yourselves while exploring this databank. While you are not directly using the practices directed for the class, the coding of information is activating. Water. Rest. Play. Compassion. Peace. Bless you all. My love, Nicole Adriana Casanova https://youtube/playlist?list=PLKJa5BaGyYpL0guYg7bWRkdfybklK8u3y
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:32:26 +0000

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