SpiritMeat THREE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR PASTOR PSALM 23:1-6 There are three questions that every Christian needs to answer correctly for a profitable church experience. Your ability to answer these questions will affect your journey in life and destiny. 1. WILL MY PASTOR AFFECT MANIFESTATION IN LIFE? If you will succeed in the purpose and plan of God for your life, you need to come to a place that you know that your pastor will affect your manifestation in life. A lack of understanding of this truth has made many Christians develop a wrong and un-scriptural attitude to pastoral oversight. There are many Christians in the body of Christ that have never been pastored since they became born again. 75 percent of your manifestation in life will be determined by the kind of pastoral oversight you yield to. Attending church is not the same thing as being pastored. You can survive with a bad tailor or a bad barber but you cannot go far in life and in God’s plan sitting under a wrong pastor because the man that lays hands on you and speaks over you on Sunday will affect your experience all week round. 2. DO I HAVE A SAY IN WHO MY PASTOR IS (Jeremiah 3:15)? Yes you do. Every Christian has a say in who their pastor is because God holds you responsible for who you submit yourself to for pastoral care. In the same way as God shows His people who their spouse should be, He will show you who He has chosen to pastor you but He will not force you to accept what He is showing you. God will always allow you to make your choice after He has revealed who should be your pastor. When God leads a His children, He will not force them. In my walk with the Lord, I have come to understand that everybody gets the kind of pastor they deserve; it is a careless Christian that will sit under a pastor that doesn’t have time to teach God’s people. Beware. 3. WHAT DO I NEED TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN ORDER TO MAKE A DECISION ON WHO SHOULD BE MY PASTOR? You should not choose your pastor based on his results because God questions results sometimes. The end does not justify the means in God’s kingdom rather it is the means that justifies the end. One major factor that must determine the choice of your pastor is the divine leading of the Lord and not necessarily what the man has or things that he has accomplished. More often than not, God does not judge His servants by their results but by their obedience to His instructions. When God brings you to your pastor or shows you who your pastor will be, you don’t have to like him; but he is God’s choice for you. You don’t necessarily love the will of God at first sight. You need to accept the will of God first of all and then you may begin to like it. You should be sensitive to hear God, not just following what comes up in your mind. This kingdom does not belong to the intellectuals; it belongs to those sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Prayer: Lord, you are the Chief Shepherd. Help me to get the choice of my pastor right. Help me not to run a futile race in Jesus’ name, amen. Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:54:42 +0000

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