Spiritcom Researcher in Australia defends Prediction of Andrew - TopicsExpress


Spiritcom Researcher in Australia defends Prediction of Andrew Basiago Presidency as Authentic Electronic Voice Phenomenon from the Beyond SHANNON: Greetings from Australia! I just wanted to let you know of something strange that happened to me concerning the name Andrew Basiago. I have a channel on YouTube which hosts my evidence of true real time communication with the dead via a spirit box. If you have not heard of a spirit box, it is a real and legitimate device used to contact spirits while hearing them talking back through it. The other day I asked who would be the next US president and the dead answered: Andrew Basiago. I had not heard of this name until I Googled it. This is a real phenomenon and I will leave the link so you can hear everything yourself. Thank you for your time. Shannon https://youtube/watch?v=Q61KuKaVBcM ----- ANDY: Dear Shannon, Yes, I saw your video of The Dead foretelling my Presidency on YouTube and was intrigued by it. This agrees with predictions of my presidency made by career CIA officers in 1980 and in 2000. I will, in fact, be a candidate for President of the United States in 2016. It might interest you that the spirit realm got my entire name right, because after one can hear Andrew Basiago, another spirit, quickly thereafter, accurately states my middle name, Daniel. Can you confirm that this was an actual occult phenomenon and not an elaborate hoax? In addition, please provide a basic explanation of how your Spiritcom device works. Thank you for sharing this strange event with me. Yours Truly, Andrew D. Basiago ----- SHANNON: Dear Andrew Thank you for replying to my email in regards to The dead foretelling your presidency. Yes Andrew, this is a genuine and legitimate device used to make real contact with the dead. A Spirit Box, is a modified digital radio. Its modified in a way that it continuously scans radio signals at a high speed instead of stopping at clear stations. It spends less than a quarter of a second on a signal before skipping to the next one and so fourth continuously. Amazingly the spirits of the dead are somehow able to push their voice through and make contact. It seems impossible Technically it would be the same as asking your tv or your digital clock a question and expecting an answer... After all, a spirit box is just a modified radio, yet somehow, some way, the dead can not only hear us, but Ive proven they can also see us from their realm. I can hold an object up in my room and ask them what im holding. The dead will almost always name it accurately. I can ask them to repeat back words of my choosing and they will, or ask them what colour im holding up/wearing and sure enough they give the correct answer. This is truly an amazing phenomenon. Andrew, something ive often contemplated is perhaps this isnt the dead at all. What if the aliens on mars for example, are intercepting the radio signals and masquerading as the dead. One things for sure Mr Basiago, wont this make an incredible prophecy should you become the future President. Also, thank you for letting me know your middle name is Daniel and the dead got that right on my video, amazing again. Just to reiterate, my evidence is real and in no way a hoax. I can prove my work to anyone wanting further proof of legitimacy. I cant prove its the dead 100% but I can prove 100% I am in contact with a strange intelligence not currently known to man. If you have any time or further interest in my evidence, I humbly invite you to watch these examples of my contact with the afterlife in real time. Sincerely your supporter Shannon youtu.be/xyIUhOVwn9I youtu.be/frxcjSnwaG0
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 00:37:23 +0000

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