Spirits Healed in a Hospital Spirit is included in the elements - TopicsExpress


Spirits Healed in a Hospital Spirit is included in the elements of magick, those are fire, water, earth,air and spirit, Wiccans believe that, fire transforms us, water shapes us, air moves us, earth heals us and spirit guide us. For those who doesn’t believe in the existence of spirits, it is just a superstition for them , because spirits can’t be seen or touched, they can only be felt. Their energies are manifested which are in the forms of psychic attacks (in case of negative spirits) or Blessings and healings (in case of positive spirits). Spirits try to express their existence wherever they are present. So that someone can help to come out of the ghostly figure and can continue the cycles or attain nirvana (salvation) This happened in a hospital in a small town of punjab, where the staff of the hospital experienced weird things. I was called by the head of the hospital to investigate and check what’s wrong over there. Being a wiccan witch, I have a strong connection with the spirit world, yes! I can speak to spirits, feel them, and heal them. Spirits are the souls of human beings which are wandering on the earth because of their evil karmas of life or any unfulfilled desire which held them here on earth. Being a Clairvoyant, I have the clear vision of seeing the unknown, which can’t be seen with opened eyes. Since my childhood, I have had many experiences which forced me to believe the life after death. So as I reached there (hospital), I asked the staff about the weird happenings in the hospital. Some said, they feel someone is walking behind them at night, and when they turn back to see, there exist none. Some said they hear the voices of foot steps of someone. Some said that, the doors of bathrooms gets locked, and open automatically when someone is inside, This gave the clear indication that the hospital was haunted. I had a round in the hospital, and experienced mixed energies, positive and negative which means there were more than one spirits, I felt like that the hospital is made on a graveyard, after enquiring I came to know, It was made on graveyard. I asked them to bring some stuff so that I can purify the energies on the hospital, I conducted Spirit release Ritual,and helped the spirits to reach where they are supposed to reach. I use purely wiccan techniques to heal the spirits. I have seen people using violent techniques in exorcism, and become very aggressive during the spirit release rituals or exorcisms, be it muslim exorcism or christian exorcism. But I believe that, during the exorcism we must be silent and peaceful so that we can concentrate more and try to know the feelings and desires of the spirits, with love and peaceful manners. For a spiritual person anger is a negative energy which blocks the mind to take proper decisions, as what I feel is, one should be in a peaceful state of mind during the exorcism. There are some people who doesn’t believe in the existence of spirits, for them I would say this is the matter of faith, because only with faith one can feel the unknown energies, Spirits are always around us, but it depends which spirit tries to perpetuate itself. What other Religions say about spirits : In Hindu writing, atman is the spiritual essence of creation. Polynesians and the Jains have a similar idea but use the terms mana or jiva respectively, meaning that which animates all life, or the life principle. If you feel any kind of energies around you which you feel are blocking your progress or creating problems in family life, feel Free to Ask Puneet. Blessed be. Wiccan Puneet.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:30:01 +0000

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