Spiritual Awakening signs are:- A strong feeling of separation - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Awakening signs are:- A strong feeling of separation from the world around you. Finding yourself having ‘nothing to talk about’ with many of your current friends. Feeling like you have little in common with those around you. Having a sense of frustration that people don’t seem to ‘get it’ at all. Noticing yourself having generalized feelings of depression or a feeling of not knowing where to go or what to do. A desire to spend more time in nature. Finding yourself devoting more time to you or feeling compelled to focus on self nurture. Beginning to purge old events, memories, thoughts, and emotions from your system. Wanting more ‘alone time’ than you usually do. A loss of interest in the social scene or social events. A desire to discuss or look into the deeper meaning of things. Throwing away old clothes, developing a new wardrobe or style. Finding yourself interested in reading older books and texts on spirituality or philosophy. A desire to find out what your purpose is or your life mission. Expressing an new-found or re-discovered interest in spirituality. Reaching out to others on the spiritual path for more information, support, or an ear to listen. Experiencing a change in your sleep patterns, either wanting to sleep more, or not being able to. Feeling activity at the top of your head (crown chakra energy center) like tingling, itching, or energy vibrating as your crown chakra begins to open. Powerful events which are life changing in nature. Bursts of creativity and insight. A deep yearning for meaning in life and a desire to learn about the realms of spirit. An inner feeling that you are somehow different. Starting to notice recurring numbers, symbols, or themes frequently appearing. Increased intuition and natural experiences of altered consciousness. Opening to communicate with your angels, guides, and loved ones in spirit. Feeling closer to the Earth, animals and nature….
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 02:38:25 +0000

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