Spiritual Healing Fact of the Day: Your life is a function of - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Healing Fact of the Day: Your life is a function of your BELIEFS. Some will say its a function of your ACTIONS. But... .... your actions are a function of your beliefs. Some will say its a function of luck.... That sometimes life just happens. You know what? Thats true. Sometimes stuff happens that you dont expect - or want. But its what you choose to DO with those unexpected opportunities for growth... ... how you choose to have them make you BETTER, that matters. Take our second daughter, for example. She was born with an as yet undiagnosed brain condition. At nearly four years old, she cant walk, crawl, talk. Despite nearly four years and many tens of thousands of dollars of daily therapy, her physical, cognitive and emotional development are similar to that of a child of several months old. The challenges with her brain also mean that her vision is so badly affected, shes now under the care of the service that looks after blind children. She cant feed herself, nor can she eat anything that isnt mushy, or drink from anything other than a teat. ... and her future is very much unknown. When she was born, we had no idea there was anything wrong (I dont like that word, because we have the belief that everything is always perfect). But we were certainly not planning on a life where our babys physicality would so dramatically change our futures. And Ill be honest and tell you, as much as we ADORE our baby, the change we got was unwanted. Unexpected. Unplanned for. In the first weeks and months, our shock and struggle to come to terms with the unknowns of the future - including being told she had a 50/50 chance of vegetation or death - and the constantly moving targets created for us a mental and emotional landscape that is very difficult for parents of kids with tremendous medical conditions or disabilities to verbalise to people who havent gone through it in a way that clearly gets the levels of impact or shock across. There are sooooo many things that children of regular parents take for granted (myself as the mother of a regular six year old included). Its a lonely, shocking and terrifying place to be. HOWEVER... While we dont get a choice about how she shows up in reality, we DO get to choose how she shows up in our consciousness. We get to choose our attitudes. We get to choose our beliefs. After all, life is a function of our beliefs. If I believe she is broken, or that life is now limited in a way it wasnt before... If I believe that this shouldnt be happening, or that seizures are bad... If I focus on what may happen in the future to her sister, to our options, to our futures, to our bodies as we work to carry an increasing weight... .... then life feels a certain way. Namely... it feels shit and scary. And at times, when something happens that hits up against an as-yet-unworked-through belief, it does feel that way. That temporary shift of experience, moving from happiness and power to fear and sadness brings up a sharp contrast into my reality to show me I have work to do. Knowing that life is a function of my beliefs. Knowing my experience of her is a function of my beliefs. And knowing I get to CHOOSE what I believe, I know my options. I can be a victim. Or I can reclaim responsibility for my experience of my life. Heres where things get really interesting... Sometimes, it doesnt feel like we CHOOSE our beliefs. In those moments when we dont realise what we have chosen - or that we are CONTINUING to choose them on a daily basis, keeping the STATUS QUO of shitty beliefs in place... These UNQUESTIONED beliefs RUN OUR LIVES. They play havoc with our marriages... They run our incomes.... Our careers.... Our choices. They have us limit our potential... Stay where we dont want to be... And stop us going where we want to go... They have us stay small and scared... And keep us separate and alone... They have us argue with our kids.... And leave us feeling disempowered and affected by the choices, expectations, and behaviour of others.... So... If you WANT something different than what youve currently got... If you WANT to BE more something (e.g., happy, free, fun, peaceful and chilled out, passionate and powerful, spiritually connected, wealthy, healthy, loving and accepting of yourself and your body, etc) ... or less something (e.g., grumpy, scared, angry, judgmental, impatient, self limiting, self-depricating, disconnected, powerless, broke, tired) If you WANT to DO more of the things you love or want to get done... ....or less of the things you dont love or dont want to do anymore.... If you WANT to HAVE more cool things... (e.g., fun, adventure, social time, passion in your relationship, money in your bank account, sales, travel, upgrades to your health, wealth, environment, time to yourself vehicles) ... and less things you dont like...... (e.g., stress, health issues, busyness, undesired obligations, mess/clutter in your house/car/finances/office) ASK YOURSELF... What would I have to BELIEVE to have my CURRENT REALITY (and experience of it) show up as it is? AND... What would I NEED to believe for it to show up the way I WANT it to show up? Then... DO THE WORK to heal, rework or release the beliefs youve been holding onto. Until you do, your reality will ALWAYS reflect what you believe. Heres to your up levelling! Jasmine xo P.S. There are many ways to heal, rework or release beliefs. If you are tired of trying unsuccessfully to do it alone... OR.... If you have tried other coaches, mentors, courses, counsellors, healers and nothing has worked so far... Dont give up! If you would like help to do the work to create a TOTALLY KICK-ASS TRANSFORMATION for 2015 (and beyond), reach out via PM, and let me know whats going on in your world and what you want to have happen. Between now and the end of the holiday period, I have made a space for 5 new people. If you need help to kick your old, outdated beliefs, thought habits and limitations to the curb, so you can move forward powerfully and get the reality youre wanting... dont wait. Give yourself the gift of an explosive 2015! My clients success is extremely important to me. If I dont think I can help you get what you need, I promise I will be 100% honest with you, and will refer you on to someone else I believe can. #toanincredible2015 #changeyourbeliefschangeeverything #love #beliefs #uplevel
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:57:01 +0000

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