Spiritual Laws Just as gravity is a physical law, God has set in - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Laws Just as gravity is a physical law, God has set in motion spiritual laws that are just as real and just as sure. Even though God’s will is that you be fruitful, blessed, healed, and prosperous, there are some prerequisites to obtaining these things. Just as God created physical laws such as gravity, He also created spiritual laws that are just as real and just as sure. God’s physical laws can be found in a physics textbook. God’s spiritual laws can be found in the Word of God. If you want to find out why you are not fruitful, blessed and prosperous, just look in the Book and see what the conditions are. Once you begin to see these laws in the Word of God and to put them into effect in your life, they will produce the desired results. “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success” ( Joshua 1:8 ). The spiritual law in this verse is simply: Talking the Word + Meditating the Word + Acting on the Word = Prosperity, Dealing Wisely, and Success. I have used this spiritual law in my personal life and ministry, and it has brought about great results. You can get the same results when you apply spiritual laws. Confession: I make a quality decision today to study the Word of God concerning my areas of need. Holy Spirit, I ask You to reveal to me the spiritual laws that I need to clearly see and to be able to take the victory in these areas.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 05:28:41 +0000

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