Spiritual Quickening and Past lives At the moment, in my field - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Quickening and Past lives At the moment, in my field of work, I feel like referring to myself as a past life regressionist! The sheer irony of it amuses me, as I once scoffed amusedly at my husband when he wanted to get past life reading done, I remarked “what for, don’t we have enough to work through in this lifetime let alone go digging for dirt into others” It was me who under-estimated who we really are as beings, at a soul level as spirit. We are eternal. We are not merely bodies with spirits but an eternal spiritual being expressing ourself through physicality, again and again. After many months of dealing with past life issues which, mind you, were the root cause of current life disharmony and disorders, my perception of the soul started to change. I realised just how much past life experiences shape who we are and where we are at in the evolution of our consciousness. This really is our school ground and our learning is continuous and ongoing. We are souls, shaped over countless lifetimes and we carry through certain experiences and energies in which we chose to work on or by default bring with us as energetic imprints into our current lifetime. Let me share some fascinating stories with you. I had a client last night whose session blew me away. He is a man in his early 20’s not struggling with anything major just “normal” life challenges in which he wanted to move past and overcome. I won’t go into those as they are personal to him and his journey. He, like many, is trying to find his life purpose, he is studying but has a real passion for music. What transpired in his session sent both of us spinning! When I started to address his current challenges I got taken back to a past lifetime which was the root cause of his issues. I got some information about this lifetime which was relevant to him and his current story and told my client that he died young at the age of 23 in this lifetime. Unbeknownst to me my client heard a name sound in his mind but dismissed it as the mind not his intuition. We dealt with another lifetime in which he was carrying negative mental and emotional components over into this lifetime. Again we got taken back to the lifetime where he died as male at the age of 23, tying this lifetime to challenges in other areas of his life that we hadn’t addressed. It was then when I heard spirit say intuitively to me that he was a musician in this lifetime and was well known. I have learnt to act on and trust my clairaudience abilities and I told my client what had come through. My client then looked somewhat shocked and told me that when I first mentioned the age 23 he thought of the deceased musician Ian Curtis and as we discussed this my client was overcome with feeling queasy and sick. My client has a deep affinity with this deceased musician and we now know why, for they are the same soul. He is the reincarnation of Ian Curtis. What is interesting about this case is not reincarnation itself, but the soul’s characteristics that have come through and the knowing and being connected to who he was in a prior lifetime. My client had an un-healed fragment of his soul’s energy as Ian Curtis which was causing the current lifetime distress. I looked at his timeline as a soul since his death as Ian Curtis. The following is what was found; • Died of suicide in 1980 as Ian Curtis • Reincarnated as a female in 1983 and died at the young age of 5 in 1988 • Conceived in 1991 and was aborted at 7 weeks gestation • Reincarnated as who he is today in 1993 I was told by spirit that the two short lives in-between served as soul lessons for him ending his life as Ian Curtis. Another fascinating case was a young girl coming to see me after becoming morbidly upset after a World War 2 film. Her mother took her to see the film as despite being an 11 year old girl she had a striking interest with World War 2 and thought she would enjoy it. It turns out that she was the re-incarnation of her great, great grandfather and was still carrying the trauma of serving in the war at a soul level. Another recent fascinating case was seeing a lovely lesbian couple who were both carrying trauma from a previous incarnation where they were both male and forbidden to be together due to social constraints. Both suffered heartbreak, unresolved grief, not feeling in control, feeling as if life’s circumstances are out of their control and the desire to exert control in their lives. Both were still carrying mental and emotional stress about love being painful and happiness eluding them. I find it so fascinating that 3 lifetimes later when society has moved past its outdated modes of perception about what love is and who it can be between, they walk through my door as a female couple to heal their current physical, mental and emotional issues which manifest from their lifetime as males who were forbidden to be together. What a love story. They are together again, healing one another. With a little twist of one of the ladies son, being the reincarnation of the mother who banned the original love. I have had so many wonderful examples of past life and karmic connections between us that there is not a shadow of doubt that we reincarnate in groups of souls and have many interactions over many a lifetimes. It has deeply saddened me also. I have seen clients holding onto past perceptions of themselves born out of trauma only to go on to experience similar heartache and hardship due to unresolved life experiences that they have not been able to shift. This to me always seems unfair, especially since we do not have the consciousness to do a past life review and seem to experience full on amnesia after rebirth. As a soul in todays world it hardly seems fair. I once had so many beliefs and opinions, now I profess not to be so short-sighted. I am open to the truth and allow the truth to present itself to me. I once rolled my eyes at someone saying they had a previous incarnation in Atlantis, yeah right I said, how would they know! I was just more unawakened then than I am now. I can’t recall how many clients I have seen who have had a past life in what I thought was the mystical and mythical land of Atlantis. It existed and we are still carrying the trauma within our souls and in the collective. The other week I had a nurse who suffers from 4 or 5 female reproductive disorders amongst other things. In her session we went back to her incarnation in Atlantis where her father in this lifetime was also her father in the Atlantian lifetime. Just before the destruction of Atlantis as death was approaching her father’s consciousness disassociated and attached to hers. As this energy was reactivated my client had quite a severe somatic reaction and shook uncontrollably as processed the torment of her father’s energy in which she was carrying with her at a soul level. She was also carrying deep wounds of losing a baby in delivery in another lifetime which was causing a hormonal imbalance in this lifetime. It was interesting to note that my client had a dream only the night before (from memory) of losing a child. It’s amazing how many of my clients dreams verify what comes up in their session in relation to past life. Messages from the soul do seep through and perhaps are not all that random after all. So much un-healed past life experiences are surfacing at the moment. We are going through a mass cleansing and purification process at a soul level. This is a quickening of souls, of our growth and of our evolution. Shifts and adjustments are taking place, what is out of harmony needs to become balanced. We are moving to a new level of consciousness and awareness and in order for this to happen, some of the old ways of being must fall away to make room for the new. This shift is vital and necessary. This quickening is creating an ability for us to access and receive soul information from the higher realms of consciousness. By processing the soul’s experiences which have not been integrated or healed, allows for us to evolve past prior habitual thought-forms, beliefs, ideas, concepts, and outdated modes of perception. Our soul is then freed from the chains that have bound us in chaos or confusion and kept dysfunctional patterns still in circulation. These energies truly cloud our aura and energy body. It is by healing and integrating these soul experiences that we can grow and evolve in consciousness. Ascension energies are infiltrating our planet and this quickening is helping our souls unite unhealed aspects and fragments of our being, across many lifetimes, assisting us in entering an accelerated growth of evolution and consciousness. We are clearing and releasing all that stands in our way of being fully spiritually awakened and empowered beings. We have de-evolved in consciousness and we are being presented with the grand opportunity of ascension. Our Last Night light of who we are has been hidden and it’s time to reclaim our inherent essence and beauty. Although clearings, purification and processing can cause discomfort in mind, body and spirit, they are really a blessing in disguise as they serve to gain our attention so that we can focus on clearing away all that obscures our true nature, our true self, our real identity as a soul/spirit so we can awaken to our true magnificence and power. The guidance I give, is to bring all parts of your life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual into balance and alignment. To let go of past projections and prejudices in order to have spiritual illumination. I no longer view my clients as a personality, I view them as a soul. From mine to yours – Be great…
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:39:41 +0000

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