Spiritual research has shown that worldwide, the average human - TopicsExpress


Spiritual research has shown that worldwide, the average human being is happy only 30% of the time, while 40% of the time he or she is unhappy. The remaining 30% of the time, a person is in a neutral state where he or she does not experience happiness or unhappiness. One of the contributing factors to this dilemma of more unhappiness in our lives is our educational system. The system is set up to teach students a vast array of subjects, but it does not teach students the subject of lasting happiness in its curriculum. We are not formally taught how to be happy irrespective of the situation we may face in life. One studies hard and appears for many exams to get a head start in life, to get that perfect job that would ensure a comfortable lifestyle, so as to attain happiness. But are we looking in the right direction? Does a job really ensure we are happy? Does being a family person always ensure that we are happy? As much as people would love to be happy, we find that unhappiness plagues the uneducated as much as it plagues the highly educated. Now some of you may be thinking, “I do not think this is for me, as I am generally a happy person.” To that individual, we would say that these articles are for you for the following three reasons: 1.) Life is in a constant state of flux. You cannot guarantee that all aspects of your life will remain constant and unchanging - such as your job situation, your financial situation, your family, etc. 2.) You need to learn how to develop a technique that allows you to build great reservoirs of inner strength to face bad times, as one never knows when in life one will turn the corner and be presented with a not-so-nice life situation. 3.) There is a saying, “Don’t wait to dig a well when you are thirsty, rather dig it well in advance so that when you are thirsty, you have water to drink.” To learn more about how Spirituality can help us find our happiness, visit: spiritualresearchfoundation.org/articles/id/spiritualresearch/happiness
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 21:52:45 +0000

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