Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae that exists as a - TopicsExpress


Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green algae that exists as a single-celled organism turning sunlight into life energy. It is one of the first life forms designed by nature more than 3.6 billion years ago. Spirulina contains billions of years of evolutionary wisdom in its DNA and is an offspring of earth’s first photosynthetic life forms. Under the microscope, Spirulina is a blue-green color and has the appearance of a spiral of long thin threads. Spirulina is exceedingly adaptable and occurs in a wide variety of environments including fresh water, tropical springs, saltwater and saltpans. Spirulina is full of nutrients and very easily digested. Commercially, Spirulina is available as a powder, tablet and capsule or added to foods and health tonics. There are many forms of valuable algae and in the last 40 years Spirulina has been singled out for its nutritional properties. Long before it became a favorite of the health food industry, Spirulina was eaten regularly by North Africans and Mexicans centuries ago. Now many people around the globe realize that Spirulina is a powerful food with huge potential as a whole food source & medicine. The cultivation of Spirulina has also brought interest because, as with most micro algae, Spirulina is extremely adaptable, often thriving in extreme conditions. With its rich nutritional goodness and ability to grow in adverse conditions, Spirulina has a huge potential to be a food source that will help feed and nourish the worlds population. A great deal of research has concentrated on the cultivation and harvesting of what is affectionately referred to as ‘the super food’. It has been described as ‘probiotic’ and a ‘superfood’. As a plant, Spirulina is incredibly rich containing a balance of nutrients that make it virtually a ‘whole food’ capable of complimenting life without the need for other ditery supplements. Spirulina provides protiens, vitamins, many minerals, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and enzymes. Spirulina is the richest source of protien and provides 18 out of 22 amino acid that the body needs for normal gorwth and development. It contain atlease 60% vegetable protien which can be easily digested. Its outstanding nutritional profile also includes the essential fatty acids, GLA fatty acid, lipids, the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C and Vitamin E and phytochemicals, such as carotenoids, chlorophyll (blood purifier), and phycocyanin (a blue pigment), which is a protein that is known to inhibit cancer. WHO SHOULD TAKE SPIRULINA? 1. Children with inadequate vegetable intake. 2. Teenagers who require extra nutrition during their rapid growing years. 3. Pregnant women who need balanced nutrition. 4. Elderly people who have limited dietary options yet require a wide spectrum of nutrients to maintain optimum health, since Spirulina is easily digestible. 5. Athletes, or people who are active in any sport; Spirulina provides energy and improves stamina 6. People suffering from ailments, recuperating from diseases, needing proper nourishment for fast recovery (Please consult your doctor). 7. People who fail to eat a balanced meal due to their busy lifestyle; those who rely on ‘fast’ or processed foods. 8. Vegetarians who must acquire protein from vegetables; Spirulina is 65% protein by weight, 95% digestible protein (digestible protein in beef is about 20%). Dosage: As Spirulina is a nutritional supplement it can be taken any time. However the people with middle, old age, diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, weight loss, beauty and health should eat Spirulina half an hour or an hour before a meal. Before puberty, the young with cancer, anemia, major surgery, major trauma, poor physical and feeble takes after the meal. Official Price: PhP 1,150.00 Open for Deliveries For More information about our products, you can PM me Also Im looking for people who is looking for extra income through direct selling with a low capital (neither part time or full time) you can earn 4-5 digits per week depend on your work and willing to train ASAP including online and offline marketing once you join in our team if you are one of them who is looking for solutions especially financial, you can PM me and we will discuss it how you can start your own business PS: Avoid Hijacking threads especially for Direct Sellers / Distributors, be professional what you promote to. https://youtube/watch?v=EHWOvZlS168
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:26:07 +0000

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