Spoilers ahead folks!!!! Dear Producers of World War Z, You - TopicsExpress


Spoilers ahead folks!!!! Dear Producers of World War Z, You purchased the rights to the Book of the same name. You have openly admitted you were not making the movie but seeking to make a story based on it and of the same spirit. You Have Failed. The book is a series of stories documenting the history of imagined Zombie Apocalypse. The movie I saw borrowed the name and a few ideas in the cheapest way. The book is a scary and fun tribute to a pop culture idea and more importantly to the human spirit against what are unbelievable odds. The movie is a chance for Brad Pitt to look concerned for 2 hours. I did not expect to see the book I love so much. I understand the hollywood need to beg borrow and steal for marketing purposes. This does not prohibit you from making a good movie on its own. You Have Failed. I will now point out what you did ok. An interesting take on the zombie style of movement and infection. It made for some visually interesting moments. All of which you gave away in the trailers. Fast Zombies dont bother me. It can make sense. Fresh dead, its ok. 10 second infection time, bite to full Zombie? Begs the question, are they dead reanimated or just infected like in 28 Days Later (not a Zombie Movie). This is all zombie geek argument fodder. I will move on. Characters I care about?. FAIL. Effects that thrill? Briefly at best. A scenario that is believable and logical even a little? Barely. Science used to make it believable? NOPE! Unless you get your science from Entertainment Weekly. (a mag i like but not for its smarts) The Spirit of the book? Not even close. The book was about human kind surviving even in the worst imagined settings. The Movie was about brad pitts character being smarter and luckier then everyone else and a gimmicky bit of bad science drivel saving the day. As a matter of fact one of the few elements of the book that was used to show human ingenuity was then shot all to hell by having it fail because of stupidity that only Brad Pitt saw coming. final thought, Enjoy it on HBO some time or netflicks.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 02:58:09 +0000

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