Spoke to a few hundred people yesterday at the Good Food and Wine - TopicsExpress


Spoke to a few hundred people yesterday at the Good Food and Wine Show. Woke this morning with a bright idea of how to better communicate the concept of what I am trying to accomplish. What do you think of this poster? How would you improve it? The Perfect Food I have been on a five year quest to create the perfect food. This is my idea of what the perfect food should accomplish: Taste delicious to everyone Satisfy hunger and leave you feeling satisfied for hours Deliver immediate and lasting physical energy Create no sugar induced “pump and dump” Deliver 25% of ALL your body’s nutritional requirements Contain ingredients from as wide a variety of raw foods as possible Be in a readily assimilable format to fully nourish the body Strengthen the body’s immune system so it can defend itself against all pathogens, be it germ, virus, parasite or toxin Deliver antioxidants to reduce cell damage from free radicals Increase the production of glutathione, the master antioxidant Prevent cancer, stroke, heart attack and other degenerative diseases Improve memory, concentration and clear thinking Detoxify heavy metals from the body Detoxify atmospheric radiation from the body Boost the release of stem cells from the bones (associated with increased health) Facilitate attaining and maintaining optimum weight Be portable and convenient to eat at any time and place I have not attained my goal. But I am a lot closer to attaining it than most food manufacturers asking for some of your food budget! I am asking you today to give my bars or nutrition powder a try. Take some home and test my progress to date on your body. See what they do for your mind and body.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:39:24 +0000

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