Sponsor Duties There is a big misunderstanding in the industry, - TopicsExpress


Sponsor Duties There is a big misunderstanding in the industry, and we are going to correct it . Many people believe when they get started in a home based business that they are going to be hand held and told what to do each day. That is not the definition of a business owner, thats what we all call a J-O-B. The reasons people get started in home based businesses vary. But one thing is clear, no one signed up to have another boss tell them what to do. You are going to be responsible for your own actions... after all you are running your very own business. And that makes you, the boss of you. This may be a little bit scary, if it is your first time working for yourself, but you will find that its quite exciting and totally different from what you are used to. However, just because you are working FOR yourself does not mean you are working BY yourself. And especially given the team structure of Wake Up Now and PowerPaychecks. Nowhere is sponsorship more important to a team, than here. So let’s clarify what your sponsors responsibilities are: ____________________________________________ To support you. By support we do not mean ordering you around. You are surrounded by people who are like minded, they do not like being told what to do, and will not tell you what to do either. You will have just enough support to know you are not alone, but not enough to feel like youre at a job. There is a fine balance. To guide you. Your sponsor should welcome you to the team, and offer you initial advice and assistance on getting started with your business. It is YOUR responsibility to learn the business, use the resources we have painstakingly developed for you, and to TRAIN YOURSELF to the absolute best of your ability. If you need a quick nudge, or some quick clarification, or even just some feedback on what youre doing, a sponsor is the best person to send a quick e-mail or Facebook message to, so they can take 3-5 minutes out of their time to help. Chances are if it takes more than 5 minutes, YOU need to do more research yourself. Remember, if you are looking for a helping hand you can find one at the end of your arm. Your Sponsor is not there so you can: Complain...(Record yourself and play it back, THATS REALLY what you sound like). Tell pity stories...(See a therapist, they are paid to listen to your problems) Spend hours with you (this can happen if youre developing a few strategies, but its not the norm, and it should never be expected). Run your business for you. (If you want a J.O.B. where someone does all the thinking and managing do you, we suggest checking the classifieds). Call and check up on you every day. (Thats what relatives are for). Hand-hold you. (Once again, you are responsible for you, nothing is more annoying then a person crippling your day because they cant think for themselves. Sponsors are to be colleagues, not mentors. They walk beside you, not in front or in back. Treat them with respect, especially as it pertains to their time. They are here to help, but use their help sparingly. One day you too will be a sponsor and understand why its so important to understand these precepts.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 04:12:14 +0000

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