Sports Minister unhappy with Keshi sack *Summons NFF on foreign - TopicsExpress


Sports Minister unhappy with Keshi sack *Summons NFF on foreign manager Minister of Sports and Chairman of the National Sports Commission (NSC), Tammy Danagogo, yesterday summoned the President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Amaju Pinnick, and the board members to explain the sack of coach Stephen Keshi and the idea to employ a foreign coach. The NFF sacked Keshi and members of his technical crew after a late night meeting on Wednesday. They were replaced with a consortium of coaches led by Amodu Shuaibu to complete the Eagles remaining Morocco 2015 AFCON qualifying matches. The NFF board also resolved to commence the process of hiring a foreign coach for the team immediately after the qualifying matches. Reacting to the board’s decision yesterday in Abuja, the sports minister confirmed that he has asked the NFF board to appear before him to explain their actions. Danagogo, who frowned at the choice of a foreign coach for the Super Eagles, noted that it would go contrary to the goals and numerous programmes of the commission, which are targeted at ensuring the growth of indigenous coaches in the country. While saying that the commission has decided not to interfere in any decision of the NFF, Danagogo warned that the board will be held responsible for any decision and step they take, adding that they must give good justification for a foreign coach when, according to him, there are numerous indigenous coaches in the country that can do the job. “I will say I am surprised to hear the sack of Keshi early this morning. I must tell you truth, I do not believe in most of the decisions they took. I am aware that there has been this continuous call for the sack of Stephen Keshi. “I am also aware that it is actually the responsibility of the NFF to hire and fire any coach they want. In as much as I know what they have done is their responsibility; I am still looking at it. Sincerely I woke up this morning to hear the shocking news. I expected that he would have been sacked after the loss in Sudan. But with the good result of Wednesday’s match, I was not expecting anything like sack from the NFF.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:13:28 +0000

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