Sports have never been a big part of my life until this year, when - TopicsExpress


Sports have never been a big part of my life until this year, when I got hired by a video game company to work on a sports title. But anger... I know something about anger. I used to get into scraps when I was a kid. Ive been in a few bar fights. I have struck another man in anger. I know what its like to lose that control. I know what its like to get it back, afterwards, and to throw up, or to cry, because youre so ashamed of yourself. I know about getting angry in a relationship. Ive been so angry in an argument that Ive put my foot though a computer monitor, Ive torn a curtain off the wall, ripped a shirt off my own chest. These are some of my most shameful and embarrassing moments, that I would rather no one ever know about. If you got to see a video tape of me from those moments, you might think less of me as a person (if thats possible, I dont know whos reading this, I guess). I say all this for context, because since my earliest memories, the thought of striking a woman makes my skeleton want to vomit itself out of my mouth. I dont know if thats genetically hard-coded into me or if it was taught to me by years of Catholic private school, Southern Baptist mass and my two conservative parents. You just dont raise your hand to women or kids. You just do not. I also know about second chances. Ive been given a lot of them. I dont know whats going on between Ray Rice and his wife and their families. At this point, thats not any of my business. But the NFL, the National Football League of the United States of America, as a world-famous American institution (one that DOESNT PAY TAXES, just as a reminder), was in a position to stand up for womens rights in what one would imagine would be one of the EASIEST opportunities to do so. And they did not. And thats unacceptable. I guess that and a quarter will get you a phone call. They used to say that when I was a kid. I just wonder how many people are more pissed that their fantasy football draft got screwed up more than that a woman trapped in an elevator got punched in the face so hard by her fiance it knocked her out, and the NFL did nothing about it.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:16:55 +0000

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