Spot on! What stops you from succeeding business? 4 types of - TopicsExpress


Spot on! What stops you from succeeding business? 4 types of people we hardly talk about when running a business of our own! Everyone plays a role in the process of making our business a success. We’re called dreamers, workers, supporters, executives, starters, and entrepreneurs. But always theres this one role of Always a failure - The ones who cheat, steal, hide, and break the rules all while expecting they can escape with true success. If you have any of these 4 qualities Ive listed below, then you are on your way to play the role of Always a Failure 1- The Unfinisher : These people are addicted to starting. They fight hard in the beginning but soon find themselves burned out when the rubber meets the road. 2- The Selfish Partner : There is no win-win. Only one hero. Selfishness might be the deadliest threat to a partnership. These people search for easy going worker-bees who they can walk over, manipulate, and abuse to move their personal agenda forward. 3- The Executive Liar : If this guy is your boss, look out he’s dangerous. While he won’t be there long, you don’t want to become part of his wake of destruction. It might be time to consider a career change. This guy will lie, cheat and steal to get to where he needs to be. For some reason he believes morals and business are separate. When he gets called out, he responds with the classic, “It’s just business, not personal”. But we all know, a sleazeball at work is a sleazeball at home. 4- The Fearful Entrepreneur : Had a dream for years. Idea is good and we all know he/she has what it takes to make it work. Or at least give it a solid shot. But she can’t.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:10:06 +0000

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