Spot the Difference and Evaluate... The Peoples Democratic - TopicsExpress


Spot the Difference and Evaluate... The Peoples Democratic Party ECONOMYOBJECTIVESThe economy of Nigeria has been in the doldrums for nearly two decades. Successive regimes have attempted to put it back on sound footing through a mixture of policy measures, but the economy has failed to respond adequately and appropriately to these measures thereby causing unintended hardship to the people of Nigeria. The economic objectives envisaged by the party will strive to achieve a self-reliant economy that will depend on the strength of the nation’s resources and on the efforts of our peoples. Consequently, the following shall be the party’s objectives;The state will play a leading role in the economy in order to achieve a self- reliant and just society.The policy of privatization in the Nigerian economy shall be encouraged and expanded;Poverty alleviation;Self-sufficiencyinfoodproduction;Full and gainful employment for all citizens;Diversification of the economy in order to reduce reliance on oil;Improve an efficient tax collection systems; andReduction of the gap between the rich and the poor thereby creating the middle class that will strengthen democracy. The All Progressives Congress APC’s Roadmap for Jobs Includes:◾ Create 20,000 jobs per state immediately for those with a minimum qualification of secondary school leaving certificate and who participate in technology and vocational training.◾ Encourage State Governments to focus on employment creation by matching every one job created by the State Government through funding with two jobs created by the Federal Government in the same state.◾ Direct conditional monthly cash transfers of NGN5,000 to the 25 million poorest and most vulnerable citizens upon demonstration of children’s enrolment in school and immunization, to help promote job empowerment◾ Establish Technology/Industrial Estates fully equipped with ICT, power and other support across the country to attract and encourage small-scale technology businesses and other entrepreneurs.◾ Provide allowances to discharged but unemployed Youth Corps members for 12 months while they seek jobs or acquire training and skills for job placement or entrepreneurship.◾ Establish plants for the assembly and ultimately the manufacture of phones, tablets, computers and other devices.◾ Pay a guaranteed indexed-linked price to farmers to ensure that there is always a ready market for their produce, which will create more jobs, agricultural related employment and sustain existing jobs.◾ Provide One Meal A Day for all primary school students that will create jobs in agriculture, including poultry, catering and delivery services.◾ Create a scheme that provides matching funds for businesses that have already been validated and secured funding elsewhere, including by borrowing, if such business will create a minimum number of skilled jobs. Support training centers created for skills acquisition or vocational training by providing infrastructure for such institutions and matching grants where necessary, and organize job fair and recruitment exercises at such institutions.◾ Embark on vocational retraining and skills acquisition for unemployed graduates, school leavers and drop-outs emphasizing technology and construction such as plumbers, electricians and tilers, which will feed the public works and social housing schemes among others.◾ Invest in large-scale public works projects, beginning in the first quarter of the administration, including a modern national railway system and interstate roads, to energize our economy and create new businesses and jobs throughout Nigeria.◾ Implement a social housing policy of one million low-cost housing units in the first four years, which will create housing and increase skilled and unskilled employment.◾ Promote technology transfer, including investing in new and less expensive technologies (as in the building of affordable homes) to create more jobs.◾ Make Nigeria a global hub for Internet and telecommunications services, including outsourcing and cloud computing, to create millions of new jobs.◾ Dramatically increase the number of small and medium-sized enterprises that produce new jobs, with industrial hubs focused on their creation and growth in all regions of the country.◾ Increase investments in research and development, particularly in the areas of science and technology, to create jobs in high-demand fields.◾ Improve the entrepreneurial, vocational and technical skills of youth in areas such as technology, agriculture, manufacturing and other important fields, to prepare them for the jobs of the future.◾ Ensure women receive fair treatment in employment, education and housing, and encourage affirmative action for women based on merit.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:36:06 +0000

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