Spring Break Momentum--Throw it out! Then Update & Upgrade - TopicsExpress


Spring Break Momentum--Throw it out! Then Update & Upgrade yourself Ive been on Spring Break this last week. So, I have had a lot of time to spend at home taking care of important stuff that has needed to be taken care of. On Tuesday I found myself sweeping out the garage--because that was urgent and needed to be done. I looked on the shelves and realized that I am holding onto a lot of stuff that has been waiting for me to do something with it and is inadvertently blocking my momentum. It occurred to me that we can gain momentum by uncluttering our lives. So, I started throwing shit out and cleaning house---top to bottom. I got rid of anything that was broken and is waiting for me to fix it. I got rid of anything that has holes in it. I got rid of anything that is attached to bad memory and makes me feel sad or regretful. I got rid of everything from the past that doesnt fit with my life right now. I got rid of anything and everything that is taking up space and doesnt make me feel good about myself. I then decided that I needed to update and upgrade a few things to gain momentum. Here are some examples. I threw out my coffee pot that is cracked and only works when it wants to. I now have a new Keurig that works every single time I turn in on. I also went through every closet and donated all of my sweaters, pants and blouses that I have not and will not wear no matter how long they hang in my closet. I got a massage that realigned my body. I bought a new bedspread that has butterflies on it. I had my hair colored salted-caramel-brownie. I went to a running clinic and learned new techniques on correct running form (I ran a 6:40 minute mile this morning for the first time ever!). I put myself through a complete internal and external Spring cleaning and it feels great! I want to feel good about myself every day in every way, surrounded by things that make me smile, that serve a purpose in helping me be the best that I can be. If you happen to have a few minutes, a little Spring cleaning can go a long way in helping you gain some momentum :)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:42:20 +0000

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