Spring! Yes! We made it through one of the harshest winters - TopicsExpress


Spring! Yes! We made it through one of the harshest winters since I left Hawaii and returned to Indiana. If this global warming doesn’t let up soon I’m going to freeze to death. Thank you, Al Gore and all your primrose path followers for your brilliant insight. And now, the scientists who follow the effects of sun spots on our atmosphere tell us that we have just begun a 10 year cooling phase of planet Earth. Can’t you scientists just get together and agree on whether we should be stocking up on thin muscle shirts or warm, long-sleeve jackets with hoods. Isn’t it ironic that we should be getting deep snow and zero degree weather when Mr. Gore tells us that we should be preparing for an onslaught of global warming. Oh yes, the snow is supposed to be caused by the heat mixing with the cool winter air to make excessive moisture. How is it, then, that this does not cause more rain instead of snow. How do you account for weather cold enough to make snow? I don’t feel the heat yet, Al, do you? I don’t mean to get political, but it really challenges my ability to remain silent when I hear such indigestible tripe served from graduates of elite Eastern Colleges. A degree in Government or Political Science from Harvard does not qualify a man to make sweeping conclusions about Meteorology unless it serves him politically. Most of the congressional evidence presented for global warming is extrapolated from incomplete and erroneous evidence, much of it anecdotal. Many Meteorologists challenge the veracity of the conclusions drawn by politicians who have an agenda. The Meteorologists who have predicted global catastrophe have been caught doctoring the evidence and withholding the facts in order to support their position. This is not without precedent in scientific research. Unethical Scientists have been known in the past to distort evidence to propel themselves to fame and recognition. Chris Pascal, director of the federal Office of Research Integrity, said that allegations of misconduct by U.S. researchers reached record highs last year as the Department of Health and Human Services which received 274 complaints -- 50 percent higher than 2003 and the most since 1989 when the federal government established a program to deal with scientific misconduct. Research suggests this is but a small fraction of all the incidents of fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. My advice to these “Chicken Little” alarmists is “Don’t mess with Mother Nature.”
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:42:59 +0000

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