Spring in the air: "You have not been protecting our citizens for - TopicsExpress


Spring in the air: "You have not been protecting our citizens for a long time, you are already worried about over protecting us. It is as though we owe you a living and asking you to do us favours, while you gave all the goodies to FTs without any concern about over protecting them." PAP "red-herring": "PAP’s “fair consideration framework” will be just that an (optional) framework. It will not be a rule that will be strictly enforced. As long as foreigners have a significant advantage (CPF exemption) in the local job market they will continue to take jobs away from Singaporeans. This is another PAP wayang. PAP is still pro-alien and it cannot be trusted. It will continue to protect the foreigners it brings into Singapore to the detriment of Singaporeans." Duh: "All talk is wayang if MoM does not implement a pro-Singaporean Employment Act. All talk talk talk talk only…" Scrap NS la!: "This just proved that NS is a stupid waste of time. We waste 2 years of our lives and our leaders goes out to beg employers to consider Singaporeans fairly against foreigners for jobs??!!! In my own bloody country??!!!" 龍的传人之天下为公: "总是雷声大雨滴小! 为何只听楼梯声不见人下来!" Blueview: "Tan Chuan-Jin, REMEMBER this! Today there is no more Singapore-Core in our IT industry! Thanks to Goh Chok Tong and Georgie Boy. How are YOU going to resolve this issue? We Singaporeans have completely LOST presence in one of the most important & top industry in the world where 15 years ago we were helming it. What have the foreign top talents e.g the CEO of Singapore Post delivered? We had the best postal services in the world & yes, I dare say so. Please note that I have nothing against the CEO of Singapore Post. My argument is based on PAP’s conceptualisation of “talent” and what make PAP think Singaporeans cannot do the job when we have a strong, out of this world wonderful track record to prove it. Something for you, Tan Chuan-Jin, to digest and confront your mentors!" Simon: "Hello Chuan-Jin, real or NOT???? don’t Bluff leh, we are trying to trust a few of the Reformers in PAP but very DIFFICULT lah!!! They are so used to LYING especially the Father & Son we can only listen to you and take it with a spoonful of salt until we see results ASAP and not delay until it is GE 2016. If PAP can open the Floodgates without BLINKING,they can SHUT it too unless like per NORMAL wayang terus thinking we are Daft." Scenario: "@ Mr TCJ : Listen to my advices very carefully : Wear a wig and make sure no one can recognize you. Responds to any job advert and make appointments for a few job interviews. Then you fully understand, all those shits that Native Sg’reans are going through, from those unscrupulous incompetents complacent inexperience HR departments. Putting up a drama (an acts) to show your Ministry, that they’ve tried their level best to recruit Sg’reans, but rejected by Sg’reans. I’m very sure you have heard all this from the majority of the citizenry, for many years. But why are all these still happening ??? I suggest your Ministry should start revoking their business license. All this is a deadly disease that has infected our beloved Nation, for decades. Now it is in critical and serious situations. If not stop, will sink our beloved Nation deeper into the dark abyss, beyond salvage. PS – Do some serious soul searching and think about it very carefully. Good day and God bless." Be decisive: "After being stepped over and taken advantage of by the foreign MNCs that bring in FTs in ship load to takeover jobs that can be easily performed by the locals, our leader is still unable to come out a decisive framework to nip the issue at the bud. This is your land and our land. Why sound so hesitant and have so many BUTS in formulating the framework or hiring policy. when dealing with issues that have caused so much pains and agonies among the Singaporeans, the last thing we want to see is a leader who is unable to read the ground condition correctly and come out a straight and simple solution to address the issue head on. At this critical time, we expect the leader to be diplomatic and yet strong, decisive and assertive." Old Man: "JUst two weeks ago at a food court I overheard this young lady in mid-twenties from an EU country said that she just got her work permit to work in Singapore. Is she so specialized person that MOM has approved her permit replacing our PMETs. If so, then our Ministry of Education had failed their jobs terribly to produce good and qualified degree holders. Another failure is WDA that cost the GOVT millions of dollars providing trainings not only to Singaporeans but also to FTs workers too. My ex-colleagues who are not Singaporeans also attended the training course all at the expense from our taxpayers. I can’t understand why the GOVT is not placing “SINGAPOREANS FIRST” policy in place" August 13, 2013 at 10:02 pm (Quote) "talk is cheap. can you provide us a list of current E and P pass holders. the industries that are in , dates the passes were first granted and their range of.salaries. Provide these and I am sure you will have nothing to say but we the netizens will have more to say. please provide facts and figures. otherwise you are just a lousy actor." Sharon Ann Gabriel: "The framework which MOM is crafting must be biased in favour of Singaporeans. Anything less will be short-changing them. They have bored the brunt of discrimination by employers for years. Food for thought: Does a system make people work or people make the system work?" opposition dude: Tony Tan C B: "You know how many times i hear MOM making claims ? Countless times. The truth is we keep hearing them making claims what has been done but really, we cannot AUDIT them. They can say what they want to say. No check nor balance." Read The Real News: "PAP has been protecting companies over the last 20 years – even now, when Singaporeans had been so short changed for so long and it time for them to do something, they still say that they have to protect these companies – otherwise these companies will leave Singapore. Based on what he said here, very little will be done for Singaporeans. Only thing Singaporeans can do are to vote them out in GE 2016."
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:52:13 +0000

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