Spur of the moment Christian Rap Rant...haha. (yes again) If - TopicsExpress


Spur of the moment Christian Rap Rant...haha. (yes again) If you dont label your music Christian (knowing full well it is) hoping to better entice people to listen to you ... youre a hustler. Right? I mean... isnt that manipulation? (Im ignoring the whole conversation that religion itself can also be a hustle...for now) Either they havent manned-up to the fact they wish they were seen as a regular artist playing in a regular artists field OR they havent manned-up to the fact that they make Christian/Gospel and are therefore playing on the Christian/Gospel field. I say man-up because so many Christian Artists clearly request, demand, and shame regular artists to do so within their secular life-styles, as in man-up to responsibility, to accountability, and TRUTH- BUT how truthful is the Christian Hip Hop bait-and-switch technique? How hypocritical is that? At least with secular artists you know what youre getting into right off the bat. Telling people youre just a rapper who happens to be Christian or youre just a Christian who happens to rap, knowing full well youre trying to minister the Gospel to people, is a con! Its a con... right? Its you trying to manipulate the conversation, impression- the vision of yourself, so youre easier to digest. You want room to tell your listener what to think and believe about some of the most important things in life. Its safe to say that if 80-100% of your album is ministering the Gospel in some way, you are a preacher on a mission. You are a missionary, a street pastor, and well...a Christian artist, to hide this from people, to market yourself otherwise is... dishonest. Am I wrong? Christian Hip Hop is in its Christian Rock phase- its finally broke a tiny bit beyond the Church walls and some of these Rappers are doing their best to blend in. IMO Funny to see successful Christian artists selling 100K records, having top 10 iTunes sales, and selling out huge venues and still...still...the average Hip Hopper doesnt know who they are and if they do its in the same way they know underground artists. Doesnt that say something to them? They are in a bubble of their own making! Its their fault! Its a problem with their music, reasoning, business, goals, ambitions- etc. Its because they want to bully people with an entire album based on one idea, one subject- the same subject they swear is not the base for their genre and by chance was given the name Christian which they now do not fully approve. But they created the monster, the stereotype, their exile, and subsequently another market in which they flourish like kings...and so easily. Of course they know this. They marketed the hell out of themselves (probably literally haha) to the Christian public through Christian TV, radio, websites, and Churches... you know that huge network of Churches and those monstrous 30k+ gatherings every other month or so... They rode the Christian market till the wheels fell off now they are begging to be recognized by the same people they shamed to build their name. Christian rappers got 100$+ Jordans on tryna tell young broke Hip Hop kids not to be materialistic, while still trying use these Jordans to prove their hip with the street kids. They are selling the same cool as every other rapper does only its at the sacrifice of their core message...this is sad, sad, sad. I see you, I see you trying your best to get into the secular rap circles- the same ones you dissed coming up, the same ones you segregated your entire fan base from- and now you want a piece cus your bored, because you couldnt cross over without sacrifice, and you get that now...because well, maybe for some of you its really just about business. Good thing is, Christian Rap at this level is a fad...and Christ is not (IN MY OPINION).
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 00:08:45 +0000

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