Sri Amma Bhagavan Speaks Dear Bhagavan, I am confused about - TopicsExpress


Sri Amma Bhagavan Speaks Dear Bhagavan, I am confused about different teachings. One teaching says we should go into helplessness and open up for the Divine to do it. Another teaching says that I cannot expect the Divine to do everything, so it means still I have to do anything? SRI BHAGAVAN: Intent and effort is yours. Grace is from the Divine. You cannot do anything without intent and effort. For example, one gentleman once came to me. He told me I want a particular piece of land. I told him go and get it, I will help you. He said no, no. He said I will not move out of my house. Somebody must buy the land and then bring it to my house and give it to me. I told him that is not possible. So you have your role to play, the Divine has its role to play. When we say helpless it does not mean not doing anything. It only means certain things you cannot do. There the Divine comes in. But some basic things you have got to do. Like that man should go and see a lot. He should go and raise funds then the Divine would help him everywhere. Of course, there are some exceptional cases. There are a few people whom we know, when they want some money they exactly tell Amma Bhagavan, this is the money we want. And, believe it or not, the cash appears in their hands. Not once in a while - every day. But these have an excellent bond with the Divine and so it is happening. If one does not have that kind of a bond, one has to put an intent and effort. Upcoming Oneness Events at our Ashram Premises (GC and Satyaloka) August: Kannada Mahadeeksha and Youth Course : 22, 23, 24 and 25 Hindi Mahadeeksha and Youth Course : 15 , 16, 17 and 18 Mukthi darshan : 17 2 day program at Satyaloka : 31 and Sep 1
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:33:17 +0000

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