Sri Guru Datta. When we examine the life histories of devotees, - TopicsExpress


Sri Guru Datta. When we examine the life histories of devotees, we see that the Gurus or God subject them to several tests and then grant boons to the devotees once they win in those tests. The tests are delivered such that all karma accrued to the devotees gets destroyed during the tests itself. In the case of Lord Datta, this can be seen even more clearly. In this matter, everybody may naturally have a question: “If the devotee cannot understand devotion unless he is tested, how can the Guru grant boons? If the devotee is able to understand, then what is the use of these tests?” The point to observe here is that the tests are not given to test their devotion at all whatsoever. Extracting the bad tendencies in the devotee’s mind and making them aware of these tendencies is the inner meaning. In other words, testing each karma accrued, one by one and removing all the infection like the doctors do. It is after all the infection is removed and the necessary tests are done, that one gets a bed in the hospital. Then, the patient is ready for operation. Like that, God or Guru extracts the bad tendencies hidden in the mind of the devotee, all the bad tendencies that are piled inside the mind. We do not even realize. Removing each tendency one by one and making (the devotee) aware is the inner meaning. He is making them aware, “See this is how much you have”, “This is how much karma you have piled up, that is why I am removing all this.” Giving them an opportunity, thereby, to flush these out is the intent of these tests. If you say, “Oh he is testing me, does he have no compassion towards me?”, where will the karma piled up inside go? It really has to be extracted, isn’t it? That is why they conduct so many tests. You should not blame God or Guru, “Why are you testing me?” He is showing you the ignorance that is inside you. He is showing you all the impurities in your mind. We discussed before that if it is an ordinary mirror, it will show you your external form. But, mirror of Sadguru’s compassion shows you the decorations that have piled up deep within your mind - in other words, your karma - and gets them out. Only a mind flushed of impurities like this becomes eligible to receive knowledge. It becomes ready for knowledge. Otherwise, it is useless for knowledge. It is ridden with ignorance. How can a mind filled with attachment receive knowledge? Sometimes you may think, “Does not each person know his mind? Is it necessary to conduct tests like these to show them their mind?” You may think, “Does not God know what is in our mind? What is the necessity to show us?” In reality, finding out the secret of the mind is not that easy either. In this matter, not only the lay person, but scholars and Yogis too make mistakes. It is very difficult to remove the inner impurities, because, each one believes that his mind is pure. But, it is only when one faces a difficult situation that one’s inner disposition is revealed. In situations where when one loses wealth, respect etc does one’s propensity to act in accordance with Dharma and without bias get revealed. Jaya Guru Datta. Let’s move ahead.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:39:38 +0000

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