Sri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India: Petition of Bankers - TopicsExpress


Sri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India: Petition of Bankers demanding Equality at par with Central Govt. Employees Bank Employees were getting wages in excess of the wages paid to Central Government Employees because they deal with money and perform duties requiring greater risk and responsibilities. With successive Bipartite Settlement gap between wages paid to Central Government Employees vis-a-vis bank employees is widening. The situation has become so alarming that Officers of Banks get less wages than upper division Clerks of the Central Government whereas Clerks of the Banks are getting less wages then Fourth Class Employees of the Central Government. In the matter of Pension also Bank Employees have not got fair treatment. While Central Government Employees get pension from budgetary resources, Pension of Bank Employees have been linked with profits. Not only this, while Pension of Central Government Employees get revised and updated at the time of implementation of recommendation of Pay Commission, Pension of Bank Employees have never been updated. Not only this, retired and tired trade union leaders at the behest of IBA have created three distinct and separate group of employees for availing the benefits of pension viz. Employees governed by Pension Settlement dated 31.10.1993 who were offered pension in lieu of Provident Fund, Employees governed by Pension Settlement dated 27.04.2010 who have been offered Pension in lieu of Provident Fund plus meeting the cost of the Pension equivalent to 2.08 times of the wages of November 2011 and new entrants into Bank Services who have been subjected to get Pension under New Pension Scheme. In the matter of number of working days in a week, Bank Employees are being treated differently and unfairly. Whereas Central Government Employees work for 5 days in a week, Bank Employees are working 6 days a week. Sir, Bank Employees have played a vital role in growth of the economy of the country and still playing a leading role in the success of Jan Dhan Yojna launched by your good self. Bank Employees across the see you as an Ideal Leader and Change Agent who is committed and determined for bringing about positive changes and eliminate hostile discrimination and partiality and treating equal as equals in identical and similar situation. It is for this reason that Bank Employees rose to the occasion to wholeheartedly support you in order to see you as Prime Minister of India. Sir, you command greatest respect among Bank Employees who are eagerly looking at you with the hope that injustice done to them would be converted in justice. When Recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission were implemented, benefits were extended to the employees of those government organisations who were not generating profits. Banks are generating profits in spite of implementation of various subsidized government schemes as also reckless lending by top bosses of the bank without ensuring repayment of advances made. Sir, ensuring that Bank Employees get Equal Wages at par with Central Government Employees, they get equal and same pension which Central Government Employees as also they are allowed to work 5 days a week in the same manner Central Government Employees have been permitted is need of the hour and necessary for doing justice with Bank Employees who are regarded for their honesty and working with utmost sincerity, devotion and commitment. We sincerely hope that you will please consider our petition in the right earnest and would be instrumental in securing justice for bank employees by providing them equal wages, equal pension and equal working days. We look forward for your support and guidance Sir,
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:37:33 +0000

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