Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami Sanatana Goswami once arrived at - TopicsExpress


Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami Sanatana Goswami once arrived at midday to meet Raghunatha Dasa and saw him sitting in the blazing sun, immersed in a trance-like state while shedding tears in ecstatic love. Sanatana also saw standing behind Raghunatha, a beautiful young girl who was holding her vale over Raghunatha’s head in order to shade him from the sun’s powerful rays. Due to the intense heat of the midday sun, the girl was perspiring so much that her clothing was completely soaked and puddles were forming around her feet which had caused the ground to become somewhat muddy. At that moment the girl turned to Sanatana and smiled very sweetly and suddenly disappeared. Sanatana immediately realized it was non-other than Radharani Herself, who had been protecting Raghunatha from the blazing sun. Sanatana rushed to tell Raghunatha what he had just witnessed, but Raghunatha could not believe that Radharani had personally come there to shade him from the sun. To prove his words, Sanatana pointed to the two small foot-prints in the wet mud directly behind the place where Raghunatha sat. Upon seeing Radha’s foot-prints in the mud, Raghunatha broke down and began rolling back and forth on the ground while sobbing piteously at the thought of causing so such trouble to Radharani. After these incidents, Raghunatha Dasa readily agreed to accept a bhajana kutira.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:24:06 +0000

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