Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today Ques: Is it possible to - TopicsExpress


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today Ques: Is it possible to be a good son, brother, husband, boss and business. Is it possible to do that through Art of Living? #SriSri: No. It’s not possible through Art of Living. It is only possible through you. If you want it will happen and of course Art of Living will support you fully. Whatever Sankalpa or intention we take start on that path. It may take time to reach the destination, that depends on our capability. Every person has some capability and it is limited. Capability is not infinite. We can increase our capability. We can do it through Yoga. And you just believe that you are good. Some things you take on faith and some things you experience and move ahead. You cannot experience everything. Some things you have to take on faith. If someone says this is poison don’t take it, you cannot say no I will experience it and only then believe it, that will not work. There you have to it on faith. God is not an object of knowing, Love is not an object of knowing. That is why no one has known God nor love. You cannot know God, you have to have faith in Him. When you have faith, then God starts coming into your experience. That is why it is said that some things you take on faith, some things you take you experience, love everyone and move ahead. So just take it on faith that you have all the good qualities. Sri Krishna in the Gita tells Arjun that he has all the divine qualities.. He doesn’t tell him that you have to do something to increase the divine qualities. Just believe that you are good. There has never been a mother or father who is not good. Yes they have been ignorant. If they are not goof it is because of ignorance. So just move ahead believing that you are a good brother, husband, son and everything that you want will start manifesting. Ques: Ravana gave knowledge to Laxman in his last moments of life. Were they not enemies? #SriSri: No in those days there was no hatred. The loser did not experience hatred and the winner did not feel arrogant. It was like a game.. And Laxman and Ravana were both knowledgeable. Ravana was a wise man himself. He was a great devotee of Shiva. There is a beautiful story about Ravana. When Rama was was to build a bridge to Lanka, He did a Shiva puja in Rameshwaram. He had to do the installation of the Shiva Linga. For that He needed a pundit. He was told that the best purohit was Ravana. When Ravana was invited for the same, he said that it was his duty and he had to go. So he came for the puja but said it cannot be done as Sita was not present. In pujas and any religious ceremonies it is considered important for both husband and wife to be present so that both can spiritually progress together at the same pace, so that there is no discord at home. So the rule was that this puja could not be performed without Sita. Then Sri Rama said that it is the duty of the purohit to provide for anything that may be required for the puja. So then Ravana agreed to bring Sita only for the duration of the puja. Sita came, the puja took place and at the end of the puja Rama and Sita took Ravana’s blessings. And Ravana had to give his blessings to Rama and Sita, that He may win and that her husband maybe protected! What will you say to this? Do you see any hatred there, was there any enmity? Whether Ramayana took place or not, sage Valmiki has written an exemplary scripture on righteousness. Even in the smallest of incidents, you learn how to live life. So when Ravana was about to die then Rama asked Laxman to go to Ravana and get his knowledge so that it is not lost forever. In India there has been a tradition of passing on the knowledge that has been learnt. What is the use in dying with the knowledge that you have acquired?.. So Ravana had a special knowledge that made Lanka into a golden city. So Rama asked Laxman to go and learn about economy from Ravana! Ques: What is the significance of Aranyaka in the Vedas #SriSri: Vedas are the mantras that was heard or cognized by the seers in deep meditation. Then there was discussion and analysis on what was head, in the jungles and Gurukuls. That is called Aranyakas. Then that became the Upanishads going forward. There are four parts to the Vedas – the mantras which were congnized, then the Brahmans who used these mantras, then Aranyaka or the analysis and then the fourth was is Upanishads. But the essence of all is self realization, become established in the Self. Ques: The Gita says that the sign of a knowledgable person is that he is established in the Self. So does it mean that the senses do not affect them? #SriSri: What is affected is the mind, not the senses. And the knowledgeable one has killed the mind. Then how will he be affected? And even if the senses affect him then it will be for something good. Senses are only instruments, all the desires arise in the mind. And when the mind is in bliss then the pleasures of the senses are insignificant to the mind. Ques: How are the three gunas expressed in the Inner Self? #SriSri: Read the Gita, it is there. Satvic, rajasic and tamasic intellect and tendencies. Look at your own nature. If you have satvic tendencies then you will be very enthusiastic to do any work. When one does the DSN program then they are ready to do any work. This is Satvic tendencies. Rajasic is when one becomes very enthusiastic and then the next moment becomes very low energy. Tamasic is filled with regret from the time that you wake up. Procrastinating and being negative about any work that comes up.. it is such a beautiful thing to make someone a Karma Yogi.. Gita is not just for your meditation, it is also for your life. How you should change your mindset, how you should work, how you should function, how you should build a team, how you can manage your work place. This is all there. Identify where you are – Satvic doer, rajasic doer or a tamasic doer. Satvic intellect or a rajasic one. Identify where are you, what are you? Self analysis and analogy of your work place can happen. That is why it is very very relavant not just for a spiritual seeker but for anyone who wants to live a comfortable and progressive life
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:11:01 +0000

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