Sri Yantra - The Sacred Geometry & List of Indian Temples based on - TopicsExpress


Sri Yantra - The Sacred Geometry & List of Indian Temples based on Sri Yantra The geometry of Sri Yantra is divine. It contains the THEORY OF EVERYTHING. This geometry is seen in our ancient Indian temples. The Sri Yantra is traditionally held by 12 strand nil junk DNA Vedic rishis to have been divinely revealed around 8000 BC. These super-men with fractal minds and king sized pineal glands could see numerical problems as fractal 3D geometry. Sri Yantra is a powerful positive energy symbol. Sri Yantra is known to usher in peace, prosperity, harmony and good fortune. Sri Yantra is one of the auspicious, important and powerful Yantra which gives the maximum benefit for almost everybody. Since ages mystics and gurus have always known about the powers of triangular formulations like pyramids and stars. Sri Yantra was known in India since Vedic ages. Vedic scriptures mention of the Sri Yantra symbol as being revealed by the gods. It has indeed baffled and amazed modern mathematicians and scientists that such a complex geometrical symbol was drawn and constructed almost 6000 years ago. Modern science has acknowledged the cosmic power of multi pyramid grids of Sri Yantra. Most of the temples and places of worship in India were built on the lines of Sri Yantra Meru formation. Even in places like Cambodia(Ancient India), Indonesia (Ancient India) and Egypt which has ancient Indian influence the places of worship and pyramids were built on the lines of Sri Yantra. The very formation of Sri Yantra brings in such a tremendous amount of peace and good fortune. The renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Yantra the king of power symbols and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction. A three centimeter Sri Yantra possesses a greater energetic effect than a two meter pyramid. Though at every corner Sri Yantra based temple could be found (only ancient ones) in all ancient cities of country but Here are the list of few grand temples based on Sri Yantra Mandala Formation which can still be seen in our present time. 1. Temple Of Tanjore, India 200 BC (2200 years ago) 2. Pelinggih Meru Temple in Bali, Indonesia (Ancient India) 800 AD [1200 years ago] 3. Angkorwat, Cambodia (Ancient India), 700 AD, [1300 years ago] 4. Temple of Tirupati, India, 500 BC (2500 years ago). 5. Ayuthaya Temples, Thailand (ancient India) 800 AD. 6. The Puri Jagannath Temple, Orissa, 800 AD 7. Konark Sun Temple, Orissa, India, 800 AD 8. Padmanabha Temple, Kerala, India built 3000 years ago. 9. Preah Vihear Temple Thailand - Cambodia border: Shiva temple built in 1000 AD by Khmer King Suryavarman. 10. The Jagannath Temple Of Puri - Built 1000 years ago. 11. Borobudur temple complex, Central Java, Indonesia , 825 AD Mt. Kailash Pyramid, the most complex and oldest built pyramid as claimed by Russian Scientists too seems to be built on lines of Sacred Geometry. The impossible question is when Mt. Kailash Pyramid was built?? #Kushanu_Singh_Chauhan
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:41:51 +0000

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