Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Gosvami Maharaj writing about Sri - TopicsExpress


Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Gosvami Maharaj writing about Sri Gurudeva: "If I have eternal relationship with him, if he is truly my eternal master life after life, if he is not forced to accept a birth in higher or lower species as a result of his past activities like a mortal being, if he, as a most intimate associate of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Govinda has entered Their eternal pastimes, then is He not the eternally exiting reality – in past present and future? Is he not able to grasp my conceptions and tendency for karma, akarma and vikarma? Through his internal vision, is he not able to see my pretentious spiritual practices, my false renunciation of sense gratification in the name of yukta-vairāgya, my greed to acquire money, women and recognition while preaching the glories of Bhagavān and His holy names, my posing as guru [or a great person] even though I am actually minuscule due to my attachment to lust and anger, and my audacity to want the seat of the spiritual master himself? Does the x-ray vision of his eyes, which are like the transcendental sun and which are always seeing transcendence, unable to see through and identify, both within me and without, my duplicity and unpleasant deeds? I may be able to fool common people but does that mean that I can fool him also? No; that is never possible. He is an entity beyond the perception of material senses and beyond the control of material energy, and he is completely aware of my internal and external situation. With the transcendental torchlight of knowledge, he removes the covering of ignorance from my eyes, which are immersed in the darkness of ignorance, and He bestows transcendental vision upon me. Then by attaining knowledge of the self (sva-tattva), the Supreme Lord (para-tattva), the goal (of life), the means to achieve that (sadhya-sadhana tattva) and the obstruction in that path, which is the material energy (maya-tattva), I will be extremely blessed."
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:18:17 +0000

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