Srila Prabhupada Tirobhav celebrations - Why celebrate an acharyas - TopicsExpress


Srila Prabhupada Tirobhav celebrations - Why celebrate an acharyas disappearance? Today is the auspicious occasion of Srila Prabhupadas divine disappearance (Tirobhav) from this world 37 years ago. Though he physically left the world, he is still present with us in innumerable ways i.e in his books, in his Deity forms, in his organization etc. To commemorate this auspicious Tithi, we have grand celebrations this evening in our temple premises on road#12, Banjara hills, Hyderabad starting @ 7pm. Celebrations include a Maha Abhishek to Srila Prabhupada Deity followed by Damodara arati and dinner prasadam. All are welcome. Why celebrate an acharyas disappearance? Srila Prabhupada is not an ordinary guru. He is close associate of Lord Sri Krishna & Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu and he appeared in this world on the order of His beloved Lord. When such a Nitya Siddha (ever liberated) personality appears in this world and performs activities, he does so under the internal energy of the Lord (which is different from material energy under whose influence everybody in this world forced to act). Hence all the activities of such a great messenger of Lord Chaitanya & Krishna are technically called pastimes (pleasure giving activities and not forced work) which are different from the various duties or jobs that we all do here for the sake of our maintenance. These activities or pastimes of Acharya give great joy to His beloved Lord. Whether Srila Prabhupada is born (technically called appearance) or whether he is apparently going for school & college to get educated or whether he may apparently participate in non-violence movement or he may get married & beget children or he may manage a big business of his fathers friend or whether he is away from family affairs in Vanaprasta or Sanyasa or whether he is traveling aboard Jaladuta ship or whether he may apparently loitering around in New York city in the beginning or whether he may establish ISKCON & grow it into a world wide movement or whether he is on his death bed and finally he may disappear from this world, all these are pastimes of an Acharya pleasing to Lord Chaitanya. All these pastimes are worthy of celebration irrespective of their meaning & value in this world. But we dont have that much devotion, though! Hence at least some prominent pastimes are celebrated by his devotees and prominent being acharyas appearance & disappearance. Both of these pastimes being spiritual, are celebrated with great enthusiasm & joy. Srila Prabhupada is still with us and his pastimes are continuing. It is the duty of the disciples to glorify his pastimes. Hence there is nothing surprising to celebrate his divine pastimes like appearance or disappearance! In fact, we should be sorry that we couldnt celebrate more! Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:57:34 +0000

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