Srila Prabhupada is indeed the extraordinary Acharya of the Golden - TopicsExpress


Srila Prabhupada is indeed the extraordinary Acharya of the Golden Age. He is the “Mor Senapati Bhakta”, the “Military Field Commander” who was predicted by the Lord Himself to lead Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtan army. Time will tell; everyone will come to know of his greatness. That also is predicted. In Chaitanya Mangala, it is recorded that Narada Muni, while visiting the spiritual world, came upon Lord Gouranga. Shri Gouranga Dev told him of His mission to destroy the sinful activities of the Kali Age. He said, “With the powerful chopper of Nama-Samkirtan, I shall cut the hard knots of demoniac desires from the hearts of everyone. Even if the sinners reject religion or flee to foreign countries, still they will get My mercy. I will send ‘mor senapati-bhakta’ to go there and deliver them.” Mor means “My”, senapati means “military field commander,” and bhakta means “devotee.” So, “Mor Senapati-Bhakta” refers to that great devotee who will lead Lord Chaiainya’s sankirtan army, who is empowered by the Lord to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world. That Mor Senapati Bhakta is Srila Prabhupada, and even some may not yet recognize it, in time they will. This is the greatest benediction of our time. Brahma Vaivarta Purana also describes a conversation that took place in Dvaraka between Lord Krishna and Srimati Ganga devi. Ganga devi came to express her fears at the advent of the Kali Age, and the imminent departure of the Lord back to His Eternal Abode. In anxiety, she spoke on behalf of all the sacred rivers, saying: “Oh Lord, we can see that Your pastimes are about to end, and people are becoming more and more materialistic. You have been very merciful to us. After You leave, however, all the sinful people of Kali Yuga will bathe in our waters, and we will become overwhelmed with sinful reactions.” Lord Krishna smilingly replied, “My dear Ganga Devi, please be patient. After five thousand years My mantra-upasaka (worshiper of the Holy Name) will appear in this world and spread the chanting of the Holy Names everywhere. Not only in Bharata-Varsha (India) but also all over the world people will chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.” “By this chanting, the whole world will become eka-varna, having one designation, namely, Hari-Bhaktas, devotees of Lord Hari. And because the devotees of Lord Hari are so pure, anyone who contacts them will become purified from sinful reactions. These pure devotees will visit Bharata-Varsha and purify you from sinful reactions by bathing in your sacred waters. This period of worldwide chanting of Hare Krishna will continue for ten thousand years.” This Mantra-Upasaka is Srila Prabhupada, the Lord’s Senapati Bhakta. The ten thousand year period is just beginning, the Golden Age within Kali Yuga. Doesn’t this put things into perspective? (Govinda Dasi)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:44:28 +0000

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