Srimad Bhagvat Gita ================Vibhuti Yoga#1 - TopicsExpress


Srimad Bhagvat Gita ================Vibhuti Yoga#1 ============ ======What is this and what is its significance?==== “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevayah” What is Vibhuti? -------------------- Vibhuti, means the Forms or manifestations. When any entity changes its visible or non visible states to transform into one or more visible formation, then it is called Vibhuti. At first instance it will appear to be very normal phenomena to a common man, but it is not. Vibhuti is one of the most important phenomena for all of us to know. The importance of the same can be understood from the fact that Chapters 10, 11 in full and Ch 9 partially dedicated to explain this very phenomena. Rather chapter 10 by its very name is called as “Vibhuti Yoga” Chapter 9, is where Bhagvan Shri Krishna explained the fact of creation and one of the important factor in creation is the process of manifestation or Vibhuti. In Chapter 10 Bhagvan Shri Krishna on the request of Arjuna describes how he can be comprehended by his different manifestations or vibhuti. Chapter 11 is where Bhagvan Shri Krishna displays Arjuna his complete universal form, again the phenomena of manifestation, the Vibhuti. Significance of Vibhuti? ------------------------------ As described above, Vibhuti is one of the most important topics. The importance of the same can be recognized from the fact that more than 2 chapters are dedicated to these phenomena in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. It might be a big topic to discuss the whole topic in details, but two important facts regarding Vibhuti Yoga worth discussing. They are as follows: Creation of Universe and Manifestation(Vibhuti) ------------------------------------------------------------- Creation of universe is one of the most complex subjects not only for science but also for religions. Discussing the process of creation of Universe in itself a very big subject, but what important to know about creation is that, the whole universe has been created from a condensed form of energy situated in Bhagvan Shri Krishna. Bhagvan Shri Krishna at the start of the creation expanded his energy which manifested under a continuous chain of manifestation, one leading to many those manifested substances manifesting further. This whole universe hence is created by the expanding process of manifestation of Bhagvan Shri Krishna. This fact has been explained in very clear terms in Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. Bhagvan Shri Krishna very specifically declared that this whole universe is nothing but the manifestation of his own forms, please read this Shloka: Bhagvan Shri Krishna said: Ch9:Sh4 maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina This entire universe has been manifested from my form The similar fact has been explained in other Shloka: Ch7:Sh7 Mayi sarvamidam pritam sutre manigana eva. Everything existing in this universe is connected to Me like Pearls on a thread, The above verse use more poetic terms, comparing this universe pearls in a thread all connected to Bhagvan Shri Krishna. That in simple terms means, this universe is nothing but the manifestation of Bhagvan Shri Krishna. Creation and Manifestation as per Vedas ------------------------------------------------------ Vedas also explains the same process about the creation. One of the two major Suktas about creation, Shri Purusha Suktam(Rig Veda 10.90) and Shri Nasadiya Suktam(10.129) explains the process of Creation. Shri Purusha Suktam explain, that this whole universe is nothing but Supreme Purusha himself: Shloka#2 purusha evedagam sarvam yadbhutam yaccha bhavyam utamritatva syeshanaha yadanne natirohati Purusha verily is all this that exists (in this creation), What had been (in past creations) or would be (in future creations). He exceeds the body that grows with food. Shloka#3 Ethaa vaanasya mahimaa.Atho jyaaya scha purusha. Padhosya viswa bhoothanee.Tripaadasyamrutham divi. This Purusha is much greater,Than all his greatness in what all we see, And all that we see in this universe is but his quarter,And the rest three quarters which is beyond destruction,Is safely in the worlds beyond. The above two mantras explain, that Supreme Purusha(Bhagvan Shri Krishna) is verily everything which exists. The mantra #3 explains further how the one quarter of the universe is the mortal world and three quarter the immortal world. Where Purusha Suktam gives the glory and the entirety of Bhagvan Shri Krishna, Shri Nasadiya suktam gives the exact phenomena of creation as it happened at the start of the creation of universe: RV 10.129.4 कामस्तदग्रे समवर्तताधि मनसो रेतः परथमं यदासीत | सतो बन्धुमसति निरविन्दन हर्दि परतीष्याकवयो मनीषा || kāmastadaghre samavartatādhi manaso retaḥ prathamaṃ yadāsīt | sato bandhumasati niravindan hṛdi pratīṣyākavayo manīṣā || Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit. Sages who searched with their hearts thought discovered the existents kinship in the non-existent. Rv 10.129.5 तिरश्चीनो विततो रश्मिरेषामधः सविदासी.अ.अ.अत | रेतोधाासन महिमान आसन सवधा अवस्तात परयतिः परस्तात || 5 tiraścīno vitato raśmireṣāmadhaḥ svidāsī | retodhāāsan mahimāna āsan svadhā avastāt prayatiḥ parastāt || Transversely was their severing line extended: what was above it then, and what below it? There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder Above two verses explains the beginning of creation. The Mantra#4 Describes how the Supreme Purusha had the desire of creation, which became the seeds of Creation. With his desire, his energy started expanding in all directions which created following components: 1. Beggeters 2. Force 3. Action and 4. Energy The very first element listed is begetter, which means something which form other substances, or to say something further manifest. To know this phenomena one may compare it with Nuclear fission, where one nucleus breaks into 2 or more nucleus, each of which breaks into further nucleus and so on. This is the very principle on which nuclear bomb is made. Nuclear fission reaction is one of the best examples to understand the phenomena of Manifestation. Vibhuti or manifestation hence is one of most important phenomena of creation. Continue… “Shri Hari Om Tat Sat”
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:39:34 +0000

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