Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam BALAKANDAM Sarga 9 Sumantra’s - TopicsExpress


Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam BALAKANDAM Sarga 9 Sumantra’s discourse: Hearing of this intention of emperor Dasaratha to undertake a horse sacrifice for begetting son, Sumantra a charioteer as well as a minister of Dasaratha spoke to Dasaratha in private about a popular legend, also heard by him in the course of a Puranic exposition. “The omniscient sage Sanatkumara foretold of yore a tale in the presence of seers in connection with the future birth of four sons to Dasaratha. Briefly the narrative as told by Sanatkumara is, “There is a son born in Kasyapa’s race, Vibhandaka by name, a very holy man and to him was born Rsyasrnga. Sage Rsyasrnga, on account of his drear penance became the ruler of the Brahmans. Leading the life of a hermit, sage Rsyasrnga knew nothing about the world beyond constant service to his father; attending to the sacred fire according to scriptural ordinance with a devout and unquestioning mind. In those days glorious and mighty Romapada was the well known ruler of the Anga territory. Through some misdemeanour by that king there was a severe, fearful drought that was a terror to all men. Romapada full of agony called together Brahmans superior in learning and sought from them a course of discipline, by undergoing which (discipline) Romapada’s sins may be atoned for. The best of Brahmans replied “O! monarch bring Vibhandaka’s child Rsyasrnga, persuaded, captured or beguiled, and having fetched Rsyasrnga then wed him to your adopted daughter Santa, (daughter of emperor Dasaratha given in adoption to the king Romapada). When the king Romapada was troubled with the thought as to how to bring the wondrous child Rsyasrnga he bade his priests and ministers to bring sage Rsyasrnga. With due reverence and quivering hearts the priests and the ministers with looks of woe beseeched the king to spare them of this task, for they were afraid of sage Vibhandaka’s curse. The priests and the ministers promised king Romapada, that they would devise a plan to bring sage Rsyasrnga, unforced and none to blame. The plan of the priests and the ministers was to send damsels with exterior worth coveting, skilled in blandishments, and in every art and amorous wiles. This they knew well will seduce the unsuspecting young recluse, Rsyasrnga. The king comforted in the thoughts that with the arrival of sage Rsyasrnga to his kingdom, the rains will descend and his troubles will end. Thus having executed the plan of bringing sage Rsyasrnga to perfection and thereafter having had the sage united in wedlock with Santa, the King Romapada experienced great joy. Duly entertained with all the desired objects; Rsyasrnga who was possessed of unique glory, lived with his wedded wife Santa in the gynaeceum of king Romapada. Thus Rsyasrnga is in a way the son in law of emperor Dasaratha. This Rsyasrnga by pouring oblations into the sacred fire will get sons for Dasaratha. This is the divine forecast of the sage Sanatkumara, as narrated by Sumantra to Emperor Dasaratha.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 03:40:56 +0000

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