Srinagar. A survey has revealed that Kashmiri who are currently - TopicsExpress


Srinagar. A survey has revealed that Kashmiri who are currently busy protesting violently against the Israeli offensive in the Gaza strip are unaware if Kashmiri Pandits, who used to reside in the valley not too long ago, were humans too. The survey was an attempt to check what comes under the purview of humanity for the locals in KashmirValley, who were protesting for restoration of humanity in Gaza. According to the findings of the survey, while young kashmiris were almost completely unaware of the existence of pandits, the older brigade never saw anything humane about them. Kashmiri Youth unsure of the CRPF official being human. Kashmiri Youth unaware that CRPF officials are also human. “What Pandits? Who are they? I have not seen or heard of anyone that you are talking about here,” argued a 15 year old boy and part-time stone pelter, while waving ISIS flag, which he claimed was some peace organization. “If they were humans and part of Kashmiri lineage, we would have at least been taught about them in history,” another 14-year-old shot back when told that pandits were inhabitants of the valley 2 decades ago. Following this, the elders, when surveyed, claimed that since pandits didn’t exhibit any human traits as per them, they didn’t deem it fit to talk about them to their children. “I remember when some of our brothers threatened them to leave the valley, they simply fled from the valley without even giving a fight. I mean, they didn’t even form a terror group to take revenge! Humans don’t behave like that. I have only seen goats getting so scared,” reasoned a 48 years old man. The hardliner Hurriyat chief Syed Geelani too claimed that that had he found Pandits a bit of human, he would have definitely carried out demonstrations in their support. Having given up on the issue of Pandits, when surveyors asked why were they pelting stones in India for something that was happening in Gaza, locals claimed they were fighting the same enemy. “Whether we pelt stones at Israelis or at army personnel here in Kashmir, it is the same satan everywhere,” a local preacher explained.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:17:58 +0000

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