Srinagar, March 20: All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) - TopicsExpress


Srinagar, March 20: All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Chairman Dr. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq today convened the meeting of the Executive Members of the conglomerate at Rajbagh Srinagar. The meeting was attended by executive members of the forum including, Prof Abdul Gani Bhat, Moulana Abbas Ansari, Aghas Syed Hassan Moosvi Al Safvi, Musadiq Adil and Mukhtar Ahmad Waza. During the meeting, the participants appealed the President UNO General Assembly, Johan Ashe, currently on a visit to India, to take effective steps to solve the Kashmir dispute on priority basis. The participants stressed that several resolutions have been passed in the UN regarding the solution of Kashmir dispute, adding, hence it was the moral responsibility of the world body to make efforts for speedy resolution of the dispute. Inviting Johan Ashe to visit Kashmir, the participants stated the UN was playing extremely active role to solve the international disputes. Hence, they said that UN should fulfill its responsibility towards Kashmir issue which is in limbo since past 67 years. The participants also appealed President UNO General Assembly to visit Kashmir and himself take stock of the worsening Human Rights and political situation prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir that how Kashmir has been turned into a police state where the rights of the people are being usurped by means of force. The participants stated that force and military build-up can’t crush genuine political movements. They said if people of Crimea in Ukraine are being given the right to self determination to decide their future through free polls, why not the people of Kashmir are being given the same rights to determine their political future. They said since many resolutions regarding Kashmir issue have been passed by UN, and that since it is still on UN agenda as a disputed land, it was the moral and constitutional responsibility of the world body to utilize its resources towards solving the Kashmiri issue for once and all. Denouncing the large scale accesses perpetrated by Indian forces against people in Bandipore, Hajan, Naid Khai including nearby areas, the participants stated that they way authorities were crushing the peaceful protests against the killing of youth was despotic. They further stated that the residents of these areas were subjected to harassment, beatings and torture, adding, curfew complicated the hardships of residents. Meanwhile a Hurriyat delegation led by Hakim Abdul Rashid, GN Zaki, Abdul Rashid Untoo, GM Nagoo, and Abdul Majid Wani visited Naidkhai and condoled with the family of Farhat Ahmad Dar who was recently martyred by the Indian force
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:03:07 +0000

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