St. Benedict in his Rule states that Every time you being a good - TopicsExpress


St. Benedict in his Rule states that Every time you being a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection (RB Prol 4). Each August we formalize this admonition at our Blessing of Ministries. One of the questions we were asked by the prioress during this ritual of commitment at evening praise was, Will you commit yourself, in the spirit of obedience, to undertake the work entrusted to you in the name of the community for the sake of the reign of God? After our communal response, we each went forward and the prioress made the sign of the cross on our forehead and we received a personal blessing from the prioress. We concluded our day with a festive meal together.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:40:18 +0000

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